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Sir Rudolf of House Kopperlöwe, Imperial Officer of his Holiness the God Emperor, do confer upon the Glen Water company, the right to recruit persons, be they armed or otherwise, for the purpose of founding an Imperial colony in the jungles of Pau-Brasil. They are also to form a provisional government and elect from amusing themselves a Governor. The Governor aided by the provisional government, shall ensure that all laws, protections and empowerment's be granted to its inhabitants and that all illicit activity be quashed forthwith, be they piracy, theft, smuggling or slavery. If any indigenous inhabitants be encountered, they are to be incorporated into the loving embrace of his Holiness the God Emperor. However, should you encounter any persons who reject this charitable offer, they are to be branded, whipped and declared a Heretic, and should be relieved of their burden of living. By any means deemed necessary!


Legitimises Glen Water Solutions as an official company acting in the interests of His Holiness the God Emperor.
Warrant, Royal
Vellum / Skin
Signatories (Organizations)

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