Order for Ergot Document in Honey Badger Adventures | World Anvil
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Order for Ergot

Master Ergot,
  My name is Seargent Danno Johnson (ret), formerly of the 1st Rampant Rams assault unit, and acting second in-command of Glen Water Solutions. We have proposed an expedition to establish a colony and, over the next few months, a mining operation in the mountains of Pau Brazil. Both the local acting governor of Port Nyanzaru and my commanding officer are glad to hear from you. We are fully prepared to negotiate the finer terms with you or your representative, regardless, we are certain a prosperous future awaits us all.
  In response to your generous offer we are in need of; -30 to 40 short bows or light crossbows -600 arrows or bolts accordingly
  -A modest number of Antitoxin and Healing Potions for emergencies until local production meets our needs. Supply in Nyanzaru was limited and inflated in price due to recent gnoll raids to the north.
  -A monthly visit by a small trade vessel for resupply of general mercantile goods; laborers clothes, boots, nails, tools, rope, medical supplies, and the like. Our botanist and myself will be working to use local flora for potion making and hope to be able to produce enough for export in due time once the base of operations is established.
  -If you have access to a Foreman or Construction Boss; their assistance guiding the work crews would be welcome and a price can be negotiated for their expertise.
  -1st Mate Olihandro of the Sea Hag's Revenge also mentioned rumors of a tribe of lizard-men who live near the delta to the south. If you have any information in your network or skilled gatherers of intel available for hire; we would be most obliged.
  Gratefully Yours,
  Sgt. Danno 'Bookum' Johnson

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