Liber Vulus Document in Honey Badger Adventures | World Anvil
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Liber Vulus

Book of the Will

The holy book of commandments by the First God Emperor. It also records the names and lives of the subsequent God Emperors.

Historical Details


Starting from the adventures of Imperātus Iásonas I, his war with Mátia of Thots and Mago Braca. Famously General Mago Braca of the Nie-Mulk Empire, crossed the Elp Mountains with elephants and invaded the Kingdom of Rohm'ash, defeating Antonios Passius Rex. It also covers the founding of Dragon Bridge and the Anthropos Empire by the First God Emperor, the Crusade that resulted in the formation of Spáwnn, as well as the Great Calamity that created the beastials.

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