Introduction to the GM's Tools in Honarth | World Anvil
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Introduction to the GM's Tools

Welcome Narrator

Welcome to the GM's Tools for Honarth, a diverse setting filled with science, technology, corporate politics, tribal cultures, and more. As a Game Master (GM), you play a crucial role in bringing this world to life and guiding players through their adventures. In order to make your experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible, we have created a collection of tools and resources to help you run your campaigns in Honarth.   One of these tools is World Anvil, a platform designed to help GMs create, organize, and share their campaigns and world-building information. This article is designed to help you get started using World Anvil and its various categories to run Honarth.  

Using World Anvil Categories

World Anvil is organized into categories to make it easier to find the information you need. Here are the categories and the articles included in each category:  


This category includes articles Introducing Honarth, its Narrative Options, and why the setting is System Agnostic .  

Setting Guidelines

This category includes articles about the Overview of Setting Guidelines, Human & Cadonian Relations, Energy & Fusion, Military & Security, Space Travel & Extraterrestrial Life, Super Void, and Magic & Divine Intervention.  

How to Run Honarth

This category includes articles about Life in Honarth, Story Arcs, and Adventure Hooks.  

System Suggestions

This category includes articles about suggested RPG systems for use with Honarth.   By exploring these categories, you will have access to a wealth of information and resources that will help you run your campaigns in Honarth. Whether you're a seasoned GM or new to the role, we hope that this article and the articles and tools here, will help you bring your vision of Honarth to life.
GM's Tools cover

Table of Contents


GM's Tools


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