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Selene Adrillian

Queen of Scorn, Councillor Adrillian Selene Adrillian (a.k.a. The Red Witch, The Blood Witch)

"Perhaps we can come to some agreement, before these two boys doom us all." - Selene Adrillian; during the 1st meeting of the newly formed Council of the Enlightened after the Cataclysm.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin and pale, yet otherworldly beautiful, many have described her as "Death's Mistress."

Body Features

As pale as death, but as blemish free as a child, Selene's skin is as white as the moon. Her blonde hair is streaked in small slivers of silver, and her eyes are ice blue.

Facial Features

Selene has been called 'otherworldy' by members of the court of Vellenthian, the Kingdom of Romance. Her facial features are symmetrical to perfection, and some whisper that her facial beauty is magically enhanced.

Physical quirks

The Red Queen's left hand is covered in a burn mark of unknown origin. Many claim it was part of a demonic summons, while others say it was from a magical duel.

Special abilities

Highly trained in multiple schools of magic, and specializing in the mystic arts.

Apparel & Accessories

While the Coven of Scorn are always seen in black hooded robes to hide their face, Selene is well known for her red robes and red leather cape. It has become so much a staple of her being that she is often called 'The Red Queen', or 'The Blood Queen'.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The quiet swamps surrounding Scorn hide many secrets. One such mystery involves how Selene Adrillian arrived in Scorn and became Queen of the Coven and Kingdom. Many years ago a butcher by the name of Esa Adrillian was capturing frogs for a banquet to celebrate a business arrangement between two fisheries. They had demanded one hundred frog legs, and Esa was only fifteen away. Silently creeping among the swamps she came upon a strange sight indeed. A small girl, caked in mud and covered in insect bites sleeping in the hollow of a cypress tree. She was pale and running quite a high fever, so the butcher did what any good woman would do and gathered her up in her arms and took her home. The woman spent the next month nursing the child back to health through a secret recipe taught to her by her mother made of herbs and pigs blood. The child eventually came around and awoke in the night screaming, clawing at the walls until her fingers bled. Esa did her best to calm the child, yet she knew, the child was wild and had probably been without human contact for several months, if not years. She kept the child close, locking her indoors with a few toys, all the while bringing back the little girls humanity. Two years passed and the child was able to move freely among the Kingdom of Scorn. She spoke very little, in small short sentences, mainly speaking to herself. She did however take a keen interest in the Law Walkers, calling them her 'special friends'. She could often be found sitting, or walking beside them. This caused many rumors among the people of Scorn, some claiming the girl was a demon. Esa spoke to the child about how the Law Walkers were criminals, the worst of the worst, transformed into hideous creatures who could speak no words aside from the laws of the land, devoid of the knowledge of what went on around them. But the little girl said they told her secrets, dark secrets. One not so special day the young girl sat at dinner with her mother, smiling strangely. "Mummy", she said. "There will be some angry men coming to the house tonight. I'm going to go talk to them, but you should stay inside." Esa did not know what to make of the child's sudden statement, but something in the child's ice blue eyes told her the child was serious. A few hours later, as foretold, a loud pounding shook the front door. The little girl stood and arranged her red cotton dress and walked to the door, swinging it open slowly. Before her stood about two dozen men, from the nearby fishery, wielding torches and fillet knives. Leading the men was Darius Traven, the owner of the fishery, a fat man with a thick mustache. The girl called him 'The Walrus'. "You girl, you've been spreading rumors, and it's time to silence that tongue of yours!" He said, pulling a long sharp knife out of his belt. The little girl stepped forward and closed the door behind her. She turned toward the men and giggled. "Mr Walrus. My special friend told me that you did something very naughty to the innkeepers daughter last week, and that you ruined her favorite dress.", the girl said smiling at the fat man. "You shouldn't touch people who don't want to be touched Mr. Walrus." Darius could take no more mockery from a little stick of a girl, barely old enough to be in her cycles. He lunged toward the girl, and the men behind him moved with him. There was a sudden white light, "Quel-Eth!" screamed the girl, and the world around her froze. Rain drops slowed, mud splashed up by the men in the streets frozen in mid flight. The girl then walked among the men, smiling at them each as she passed, "We are in need of more frogs for Thursday's order." She then began to dance around the men, singing in a strange language no other aside from magicians and witches can understand. The men around her one by one began to cry out, shrieking in agony as their forms shifted and changed, becoming smaller and smaller until they were nothing but small frogs. All but Darius. He stood staring at the scene, unable to move, choking on his own saliva. "Oh don't worry Mr. Walrus. I have special plans for you." The girl stood amongst the frogs, time having shifted back to it's normal state, the rain pouring down against the muddy streets. "Tell me Mr. Walrus, have you ever wondered what it was like to be a Law Walker?", the girl asked. Lightning struck a nearby tree and in the flash, Darius saw them, the Law Walkers of Scorn gathered in a semi-circle behind the girl. The girl laughed, and laughed as the world of Darius Traven grew dark. Three days later, the Coven arrived. The girl had never seen the Coven before, black robed women, all with their faces covered beneath dark hoods. She turned to her adopted mother. "Thank you mother, for your love and care. I won't be seeing you again. You will die on a Tuesday." The girl then walked, surrounded by the Coven into the large Stump they called their home in the Center of Scorn. She wasn't seen again for almost 10 years, until she emerged from the Coven, as Selene Adrillian, the new Queen of Scorn.

Gender Identity





Trained under the Coven of Scorn, with a small decade of study in the Kingdom of Arcanis at the Magicians Academy.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Aside from her very sudden ascension to the Queenship of Scorn, Selene is also known as one of the greatest Harpists to have ever walked the world. During her training at the Magicians Academy, where she achieved the highest marks in the schools history, she trained with several of the most premier musicians of the land.

Mental Trauma

While undiagnosed, it is well known that the Queens mental state has never been seen as sane. She can often be heard laughing in the streets while no one is speaking to her, and still converses with the Law Walkers of Scorn.

Intellectual Characteristics

Able to speak 11 languages, and being a master of over 13 schools of Magic, Selene Adrillians intellect is considered one of the greatest to ever grace the world of Edri.

Morality & Philosophy

During an Ethics class at the Magucians Academy, Selene was posed a question. Would you save 3 children about to be run down by a carriage if you knew the only way to save them was to push the large man before you under the wheels? The Witch replied, "You are a strange man to ask this question. It's very simple. You simply kill the driver." The professor asked her why this would help solve the situation, and she replied. "A horse is a simple creature. Without someone strapping them to a carriage, they will make the decision themselves whether the children deserve to live or not."

Personality Characteristics


The Queen of Scorn's motives have never been fully realized by the people of Edri, however, the few friends she keeps have said on multiple occasions that Selene's actions are always to the benefit of Edri.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

"An incredible harpist, but one of the worst archers I have ever met." - Princess Fira Val'Darian, of Ember.

Likes & Dislikes

Selene has a collection of glass tanks housing different frog species from all over the world on display in Scorn. No one has ever asked her if they are really frogs however.

Virtues & Personality perks

Patient, Thoughtful, aggressive, and inquisitive.

Vices & Personality flaws

Has been known to have a temper against bullish men.

Personality Quirks

Manically laughs at random times, such as during Queen Feren's funeral in Vellenthian.


"If there is a fleck of dirt on my wife at the end of the day, she will spend several hours in the bath." - Raine Adrillian, Queen Consort.


Contacts & Relations

While not public knowledge, Selene, and all the former Queens of Scorn, have led the Guild of Whispers quietly for generations. Selene also has been known to meet with Councillor Alvred of Arcanis frequently. The two were even publically lovers during their schooling at the Magicians Academy, long before Selene met her future wife.

Family Ties


Religious Views

Unknown. Although, she has spoken publicly of the Gods, she has never claimed to worship any.

Social Aptitude

During a gathering of the Royal Families of Ember, Scorn, and Vellenthian it is reported that she removed the ability of Princess Tia of Vellenthian's ability to speak for the evening after Selene stood at the table saying "This girl's voice is nails upon a chalk board."

Hobbies & Pets

Selene has a collection of frogs on display in Scorn. Each is from a different Kingdom, and she is well versed in their uses, diets, mating habits, and all other forms of information regarding.

Wealth & Financial state

Public knowledge of the coffers of the Coven of Scorn is strictly guarded by the Witches, however, Scorn is one of the oldest Kingdoms in the land, dating back to the 1st Era, before the Dragon War.
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen of Scorn, Councillor of Scorn.
Year of Birth
5137 A.D.W. 211 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Unknown to any outside of possibly her wife, Queen's Consort, Lady Raine.
Current Residence
Light Blue
Long and Blonde.
Aligned Organization

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Character Portrait image: by Elysian Castaic


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