Velvet Uplands Geographic Location in Hoarstynfald | World Anvil
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Velvet Uplands

The Velvet Upland is a section of the continent that sits higher above sea level than the rest of Caail'Dryn and features shallow topsoil, large forests, lots of moss, and an abundance of plant-life for both medicinal uses and as sources of food. The Velvet Upland covers Caail'Dryn from above Lake Hara, excluding Uldrinn Swamp.

Towns and Cities:

AffrenBrackendaleDekerdalLorsternNaenVanhallCorcinBlackpine;   EirfordMaionFayhurstGarribHavencrestQuiganReefstarAunstenWestford

Natural Landmarks:

Sol ThicketParasol Woodlands;   Hoarder's BayLake HaraLake Meyn;  Heaven's Ridge;  Lake Pena


City-State of Quigan

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