Solithar's Lance Item in Historitor 40,000 | World Anvil

Solithar's Lance


Master crafted lascannon. Redeemed.   A lascannon of incredible craftsmanship, Solithar's lance sports a deceivingly simple, well-used, but well-maintained exterior for its intricate and complicated inner mechanisms. The weapon utilizes advanced targeting technology for rapid threat acquisition in all light conditions, thanks to HUD-link feeds that connect to the wielder's black carapace.   -


Arkhona Campaign (998.M41)

Wielded by Solithar to great effect on the battlefields of Arkhona, this weapon had spelt the doom of countless war machines and living beings alike.  

Graia Campaign (999.M41)

  As the fighting grew fierce upon Graia, some became swept up, embracing the madness of the bloodshed that followed. Solithar was among them, harnessing an all-consuming hatred that propelled his effectiveness in battle to new heights, but at the cost of something far greater; he was slipping, relishing in the wanton destruction of everything before his prized lascannon.   It was during this time that the weapon began to display anomalous properties; the lascannon's machine spirit became ever-more temperamental, especially in the hands of others, with malfunctions and miss-fires becoming commonplace for all users... save for Solithar.   A bond had formed, but chaplains grew suspicious of the union; reportedly, the weapon consistently let loose a characteristic, piercing shriek whenever fired, and its owner had become loathe to part with it. No one could explain the increasingly mounting oddities of Solithar's lance, with some fearing that the taint of chaos had gripped the weapon.  

Arkhona Campaign (000.M42):

Forge District Zedek Defence (Redemption):  
  Solithar continued to use the lascannon into the late stages of the Arkhona campaign, whereby it accounted for the deaths of a total of 21 Ork nobz of key commanding positions during a raid defense of forge district Zedek. After-action battle reports can attest to one of the confirmed kills being at close range, where one of the hulking aliens had reached the squad's gunline; the xenos was dispatched with a dazing blow the head, followed by point-blank lascannon fire.   The weapon's machine spirit had returned to a more usual state following the battle; tech-adepts and the legion's chaplains inspected the lascannon thoroughly and concluded that any previously feared taint had long-since departed Solithar's lance.   For its proven reliability and loyality in the face of mankind's enemies, the weapon was considered redeemed in the eyes of the legion.   -


A Deadly Weapon for a Skilled Warrior

For completion of the Graia campaign’s week 2 exterminatus, but also for Solithar’s skill and ability with Lascannon weaponry in Eternal Crusade.  

The Screams of the Slain

This weapon was deemed as ‘corrupted’ when Solithar willingly took part in the Graia campaign’s week 3 chaos exterminatus mission, operation Bloodtide - which did not contribute to the progress of the campaign.  

The Path of Redemption

This weapon was deemed 'redeemed' when Solithar successfully completed his assigned mission during the Arkhona campaign, where he fought alongside his battle brothers and killed at least 20 Orks in a single match on Eternal Crusade, armed only with a lascannon. -
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Current Holder
Subtype / Model
Owning Organization
Master crafted.