Jael's Log Item in Hiraeth | World Anvil

Jael's Log

A weathered, leather-bound journal, the pages of Jael's log are yellowed, weathered, and adorned with handwritten entries detailing the adventures, trials, and triumphs of the Titan's Wake. Each page holds memories etched in ink, recounting tales of daring voyages, encounters with mythical creatures, and moments of camaraderie shared with fellow crewmates. As a cherished keepsake, the journal serves as a tangible link to the past, preserving the memories and plans of the crew's seafaring exploits.   A ship's log is a vital maritime document used to record the daily activities, events, and observations aboard a vessel. Typically kept by the ship's captain or designated officer, the log serves as a comprehensive record of the ship's voyage, including details such as course headings, weather conditions, navigational readings, and notable incidents. Entries in the log are made at regular intervals, often hourly or at the beginning and end of each watch, providing a chronological account of the journey. In addition to navigational data, the log may also document crew activities, cargo operations, maintenance tasks, and any unusual occurrences encountered at sea. The information recorded in the ship's log serves as a legal and historical record, aiding in navigation, voyage planning, and maritime legal proceedings.


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