Unknown Subject: Crimson Dragon Character in HIP Master Files | World Anvil
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Unknown Subject: Crimson Dragon

Red Dragon of Change

Unknown (a.k.a. Leon?)

Unknown individual who appeared only recently on the scene as a hired thug, though his work history has yet to be uncovered which doesn't help us in the slightest. Though we have uncovered he is actually not only a member of the Dragon race and is the same Dragon that appeared at Sanction, making him dangerous in more ways than one way. It is unknown whether they are aaffiliated with the DF. Threat Level: B-A

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Draconic Traits: Like most of his race he has both a human and a draconic form, to which he can freely turn into either one with little to no effort. In his draconic form or when just transforms any part of his body it is protected by a set of scales that are immune to most if not all mortal weapons. He also has his strength, speed, reflexes and his senses greatly enhanced both in out of his form. His full-size draconic form however wouldn’t be able to fit in an average room, max height being around 20 feet and wingspan around 65. In this form the only part of his body that's not covered by natural armor is his eyes, and heavy duty or enchanted weapons recommended to pierce the armor.
  • Elemental Breath: All dragons can manipulate whatever element they have an affinity towards, for Doryu its flames that only cause harm to those he deems his enemies through the use minor magic. This does require a bit of focus to properly control the flames when in use, especially if allies are not fire proof.
  • Practitioner of Qi Form: Know small basics of qi control. Though this is mostly an assumption as he would needed to know this to willingly fought Daemons and survived.

Apparel & Accessories

His civilian attire consists of a grey t with a stretchable red and black hoodie, blue jeans, and black sneakers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

We have yet to find anything personal in regards to his existence or personal history. What we could uncover was a few work references and odd jobs, which includes:
  • November of 2016, reports and descriptions of an individual who matches his general appearance was spotted killing what a few of our investigators believe to be a small Kraken that was attacking ships in the Norwegian Sea.
  • April of 2018,  confirmation that he was present during the night of 1000 demons, where hundreds of independent hunters were brought on by Vigilant to face off against a swarm of Daemons that leaked from Other-world.  Considering over 70% of the participants died during this night and he himself appears almost unscathed is pretty telling that he's stronger than most hired guns on the market.
  • December of 2019, it's highly speculated that he had something to do with the disappearance of Professor Hu. A disgraced University professor who ruined his career after releasing a thesis regarding the existence of paranormal creatures in modern day. If he was still around now I bet he would be having the last laugh right about now.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • One of the 30% of hire guns that didn't die during the night of 1000 demons.

Morality & Philosophy


Personality Characteristics


We have yet to determine what is his male goal or why he even publicly showed off his true form. This greatly concerns many of my cohorts as someone who motivations remain unclear tends to be unpredictable and a dangerous wild card if left alone.
Deems himself Neutral Good to Chaotic Good
Estimated to be around 20 given his appearance but given his lineage he may or not be much older than his human appearance shows us.
Date of Birth
Orange amber eyes with the pupils resembling a diamond shape.
Choppy messy medium length black hair with some streaks of red on the front and at the ends of his hair.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly tanned or crisp, like he was kissed by the sun itself.
Estimated to be around 5'10" or 178 cm (human)
Other Affiliations


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