Subject 62: The Traveling Stranger Character in HIP Master Files | World Anvil
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Subject 62: The Traveling Stranger

An unknown lifeform spotted in most isolated parts of Russia and Alaska. Not much is known about this individual other than that they are not human given their physical appearance and posses some form teleportation ability as a few sightings show them popping from place to place in a flash of light. Last known whereabouts was north of Oymyakon, Russia living the frozen woods avoiding human civilization last winter.  Threat Level: D. They have yet to bring about any harm to anyone nor have they really indicated to have some sort of agenda to cause harm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

First sighting was in northern Alaska in 1993, where people claim to have seen bright purple light in the woods and upon further inspection did they notice the surrounding area being scorched like it was struck by lightning. Though, many initially assumed that a lightning-bolt hit the area and left it at that, but that was until many noticed an odd pale thing move about in the woods. At first many didn't think much on it, but as time went on a unique creature has been spotted rummaging through trash cans in the nearby neighborhoods. This only lasted for two weeks as local authorities were sent to investigate the new dumpster diver led to the unknown stranger abandoning the area to avoid people. Though, he was spotted by the at the time sheriff Mace Baker and was the one that brought the flash fast travel.   After a few more eyewitness reports made regarding the creature Vigil finally decided now was a good time to investigate and see if these claims hold any weight. However, by the time they arrive the traveling unknown lifeform has made it across the Alaskan territory to the border where it used its ability to fast travel across the Bering Sea to Russia in 1998. It would be spotted throughout the the northeast region of Siberia avoiding interactions with locals.   Sometime around 2010 though, is when the sightings become more noticeable as it seemed to like the Oymyakon area as most of the reports come from here. Local law enforcements eventually started searching the valley to find any validity to the rumors of the weird creature, but many of these attempts always ended in many of their vehicles wrecked and dismantled and a few slightly injured as a result. Eventually the reports were written off for odd wild animal sightings and the authorities has since cease the attempts at capture likely no  longer desiring to risk losing more money in order to capture something that harmed nobody. However, it is worth noting that magi and later Witch of Lies Sofia Yaga moved into the area to set up a workshop shortly afterwards. It's speculated by many investigators that she was probably hired by authorities to hunt the creature, but nothings been confirmed due sightings still occurring to this day.           Not much else of note worth mentioning as of yet.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Has successfully evades capture by the government of two countries, local authorities, and Vigil for almost 30 years.

Personality Characteristics


Unknown as of yet.
Current Status
Active, in hiding
Violet eyes with white pupils that give off a flare that blinds the lens.


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