Yerri Organization in Hijr | World Anvil


Original Art by D-MAC (


The Yerri live in a loose tribal structure, usually commanded by a small council of veteran warriors and/or shamans. They are a highly comunnal peoples, sharing almost everything among the tribe.

Public Agenda

Preferring to dig warrens and mushroom farms beneath the scorching sun, the Yerri do not seek to war with their neighbors. And while they do build large mud-brick towers over their territories, these serve more as watchtowers that guard posts.


The Yerri are well known for making, using, and occasionally selling high density mud bricks, which are great as a base for constructing homes or other buildings that must weather the constant heat and wind of the desert. They also sell salvage they find, or excess mushrooms and herbs they may grow.

Foreign Relations

Fair. While may races do not trust, or indeed tolerate kobolds, the Yerri are relatively peaceful. They happily trade with friendly communities or individuals, and would rather avoid conflict whenever possible.

Agriculture & Industry

While their territory and colonies are indeed small, they produce vast quantities of edible mushrooms and mosses. While not the most enjoyable foods for outsiders, they often produce more than is needed, so excess foods are either dried and stored, or sold to neighboring communities.

Trade & Transport

Trade goods are typically delivered on foot, or with the use of a few beasts of burden. The Yerri do not have long distance caravans, but instead only trade locally, to ensure they are never too far from the safety of the tribe.

Mythology & Lore

The Yerri, like most Kobolds, revere the Elder Dragons. Some prefer the Colorful (if notably evil) Tiamat, while other prefer the resplendent, platinum scaled Bahamut.

"Towers over the sand, be our Eyes. Tunnels under the sand, Be our Hearts"

Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
Dune Lizards, or Mud-Makers
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system


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