Red Watchleaf Species in Hijr | World Anvil

Red Watchleaf

These gentle red vines snake their way throughout the forest... getting through them can be a chore, but as they have no thorns it can be done safely with a little effort. They are a common sight in the northern forests, and are often cultivated by goblin tribes, growing intentionally over their homes and streets, as a source of Red Watch Chew.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Seeds, dropped by the flowering pods during autumn, germinate safely underground through the winter and break ground in Spring. Starting from small sprouts, the Red Watchleaf grown at a steady pace of 6 to 10 inches a year. Once a vine reaches a year or so in age, it branches once, sending out a new vine from it's roots, this occurs every spring throughout the plants life, usually meaning a vine will have 15-20 'runners' by the time it dies. After about it's 5th year, the vines grow a flowering pod near their highest point, which drops seeds around the first frost.

Ecology and Habitats

This leafy vine is common in temperate areas, especially those with abundant rainfall.

Biological Cycle

It grown year round, gently wrapping around larger plants and trees, to crawl skyward and collect all available light in the gloomy forests. Unlike many other climbing vines, Watchleaf does not cling tightly to it's host, so it does not strangle or kill other plant life, it simply climbs over them.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Leaves can be dried into a mild narcotic known as Red Watch Chew, and the vines can be bound into rope.
Scientific Name
Rojo Nipponi
15 years
Average Height
3 to 30 ft above ground (depending on neighboring plant life), 1 ft underground.
Average Weight
5 to 10 pounds
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
White or cream roots, Dark red-brown vines and bright red leaves.


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