Gnomish Metalworking Technology / Science in Hijr | World Anvil

Gnomish Metalworking

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While gnomes are renown for their secrecy and isolationism, they are also famous for their expert metalworking.


Gnomecrafted weapons and armor are world renown for being easier (and usually cheaper) to enchant, as the methods used by the gnomes assist magic in "clinging" better to the item. The down side to this is it also becomes easier for a Gnomecrafted weapon to be come cursed, or it's enchantment to become corrupted by other magic.


The exact methods used are secret, and these secrets are jealously guarded. Most of the smithing process resemble typical Steel, Iron or Bronze smithing, but there are additional steps taken by the gnomes behind closed doors to improve the items.
Access & Availability
Since gnomes tend to keep to their hidden cities, finding a gnomish smith in the wider world can be challenging. However most gnomish cities do offer limited trade with the outside world, and as such it is possible to find gnomecrafted weapons for sale in many large cities.
Gnomes have a talent for metalworking, their creations tend to be more elaborate and technically impressive than even dwarvish works, but this in turn means they are typically more expensive, and often more fragile.
Gnomes have been mastering the arts of smithing since the beginning of written history.


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