Human - Frontiersman Ethnicity in High Million | World Anvil

Human - Frontiersman

Intelligence 3
Strength 2
Charisma 4
Coordination 2 +1*
Luck 0
Magic 0
Insight 3
Stealth 4
Perception 1
Agility 1
*All Human Base Stats are the same except for a +1 bonus depending on the ethnicity/nationality of the human   The Frontiersmen are a diverse population of humans that live in the Frontier Lands. These people range from opportunistic gunslingers to desperate families trying to find gold.  


The Frontier Lands are a mix of desert, fertile plains, and seaside beaches. This unforgiving land was once the site of a large settlement project that failed spectacularly. The settlers' society devolved into total anarchy, with no government, human or otherwise, able to tame the Frontier. There are some remnants of civilization in the land, from railroads to burgeoning telegraph lines, still in use by the criminal and the desperate. Gangs and warlords rule over the natural resources in the land, such as gold and silver mines, or sources of clean water. It is also a land of bounty hunters and proxy warriors, hired by the few organizations still attempting to assert some control in the land.  


Anyone unfortunate or desperate enough to live in the Frontier Lands has learned to use a pepperbox revolver - if not two. The hand-eye coordination of a Frontiersman or Frontierswoman is second to none amongst humans.   A Frontiersman is a born survivor, finding success where most would give up.  


Frontiersmen wear loose, cool clothing, and always carry a weapon, ammunition, and survival tools. The unofficial headgear of the Frontier is the wide brimmed hat, keeping the sun out of their eyes. It is not uncommon for a Frontiersman to wear a bandana, as well, to keep the dust out of their mouths.  

Interactions with other species and nations

Frontiersmen are so diverse in background and motivations, that no one can assume whether they'll be friend or few simply because they hail from the Frontier. The goals of a Frontiersman rarely extends beyond the Frontier Lands, so other races typically don't fear inadvertently crossing a Frontiersman outside their own land.   There does seem to be a general disdain among Frontiersmen for Albatrossians. Frontiersmen view the Albatrossians as a mockery of the philosophy they profess to follow - true individual freedom. Frontiersmen see the Albastrossians as little more than stuck-up bureaucrats posing as free individuals.


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