Engineer Profession in High Million | World Anvil


Engineers are individuals who strive to make creations for practical use. If they can imagine it, odds are that they can craft it. There are three specializations Engineers can pursue: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Arcane Engineering. Electrical Engineers craft gadgets based on the newest discoveries in the field of electromagnetic radiation. Mechanical Engineers bend gears, pulleys, and levers to their will to create complicated wonders of machinery. And finally, Arcane Engineers learn the guarded ways of Cloudwalker magical artifacts, particularly as it pertains to gravity manipulation. Whatever an Engineer decides to specialize in, everyone has use for an Engineer and their designs.   Base Combat Stats:
Weapon(s) of Choice: Large Wrench +1 DMG
Armor of Choice: Leather Apron +2 HP
Starting Skill Slots:   Electrical Engineer:
Basic Voltaic Grenade Prevents 3 different Targets from melee attacking you for 1 turn
Van de Graaf Crank-Gun Hit 3 different Targets with 3 different damage dice rolls, halved
Gauss Mine Set a trap in front of you for 5 DMG if Enemy melee attacks you
Mechanical Engineer:
Basic Tack Grenade Prevents 3 different Targets from melee attacking you for 1 turn
Rapid-Fire Crossbow Hit 3 different Targets with 3 different damage dice rolls, halved
Spring Trap Set a trap in front of you for 5 DMG if Enemy melee attacks you
Arcane Engineer:
Basic Force-Field Device Prevents 3 different Targets from melee attacking you for 1 turn
Proton Duckfoot Carbine Hit 3 different Targets with 3 different damage dice rolls, halved
Gravity Mine Set a trap in front of you for 5 DMG if Enemy melee attacks you
Basic Skill Tree:
  Engineer Specialization:   - Electrical Engineer: An Engineer whose main field of study is the application of electricity. A relatively new field, these engineers can manipulate all forms of electromagnetic radiation in ways few others can.
- Lv.1 Specialization Skill - Electromagnetic Expert:
+5 Intelligence in all matters of electricity and magnetism   - Mechanical Engineer: The most common type of Engineer, applying the use of physics and mechanical design. Give these Engineers a few rubber bands, some wood, and a couple springs, and they'll provide a deadly weapon in a matter of minutes.
- Lv.1 Specialization Skill - Mechanical Expert:
+5 Intelligence in all matters of mechanical engineering   - Arcane Engineer: An Engineer who studies the use of arcane artifacts. These artifacts are most understand by the Cloudwalkers, who use them to keep their cities afloat in the clouds. Such Engineers can manipulate the fundamental forces of gravity and matter themselves.
- Lv.1 Specialization Skill - Arcane Expert:
+5 Intelligence in all matters of arcane artifacts     Specialization Skill Tree:


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