Cleric Profession in High Million | World Anvil


Clerics are individuals with the ability to tap into the Light Realm to use Divine Magic. Everyone can learn magic if given enough time and training, but some individuals have a more natural knack for the arcane than others. There are 3 main denominations of Light Realm Clerics, and each one has slightly varying beliefs and magical rites that they are able and/or willing to use. A cleric's philosophy defines what powers they have. All Clerics revere the 7 Doctrines, seven messages from the Light Realm given to all sentient creatures through various legendary Conveyers of Doctrine from another mortal realm.   Base Combat Stats:
Weapon(s) of Choice: Staff +1 DMG
Armor of Choice: Magically infused robes +2 HP
Starting Skill Slots:
Healing Prayer Heals 3 HP for one Party Member
Divine Strength Increases +2 DMG to a single Party Member for first available damage dice roll; does not stack
Divine Light Deals 5 DMG toward one Target
Basic Skill Tree:
Clerical Denominations:   - Cleric of Sacrifice: These Clerics believe the highest good they can accomplish is service to others. The world can be changed for the better by individual acts of kindness and charity. They spend most of their time among the common people, helping where they can.
- Lv.1 Specialization Skill - Servant's Insight:
+2 Insight in all matters   - Cleric of Surrender: These Clerics believe that only in giving up the need for personal control and embracing humility can the will of the Light Realm be truly discerned. They emphasize doing what's right according to the 7 Doctrines, and that the world will change according to the will of the Light Realm. They spend most of their time studying in monasteries, teaching others the ways of the 7 Doctrines, and building their communities of clerics.
- Lv.1 Specialization Skill - Theologian's Intelligence:
+5 Intelligence in all matters of theology and religion   - Cleric of Victory: These Clerics believe the chief aim of a cleric is to fight evil and bring about the Final Victory. They believe the world will be changed when evil is destroyed and justice reigns. They spend much of their time training, learning new, undiscovered magical rites and techniques shunned by other denominations, and influencing leaders for a more just society.
- Lv.1 Specialization Skill - Influencer's Charisma:
+5 Charisma whenever speaking with someone who is a leader in a given society     Specialization Skill Tree:


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