Bear-Tooth Necklace Charm Item in Herrir County | World Anvil
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Bear-Tooth Necklace Charm

A necklace of Bear's Teeth dedicated to Orome held as a token of his blessing.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

A tooth on this artifact must be gripped in the hand and brought to the lips to invoke the blessing and the effects of the blessing lasts for a full five minutes. The blessing adds +10 to the wearer's defence and moving manoeuvers.

The necklace is dedicated to Orome and this dedication is detectable at a distance by the appropriate magics.

Item type
Current Holder
18" long thong, looped at one end with a bear-tooth tooth that pushes through as a clasp
Base Price
Raw materials & Components

The thong is tanned brown-bearskin and the teeth are from the same bear.


Each major tooth has a single prayer for blessing inscribed on it.


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