The Small Person's Guide to Draconic Item in Hero's for Hire | World Anvil

The Small Person's Guide to Draconic

This helpful book consists of several lessons a person can take to get a better understanding of the draconic laguage. Written in very simple, and condesending common, it's clear the draconic authors of this book waste no time putting the non-draconic speaker in the perspective of how dragons view those other than themselves. The bright green cover with the cartoonish dragon claiming "The best book to learn draconic for miniscule species" gives a welcoming introduction to the lessons that come ahead.   With about 400 pages of included lessons, the book is pretty daunting to those who aren't willing to make the commitment to learning the time honored and ancient language. Starting with a basic history of draconic starting with the creation story of the dragons and how they're what amounts to divine beings created from the blood of Asgorath, only takes up about 20 pages but contains many more subtlties to draconic and those who speak it. Following that is lessons on the script and the correct way to write the letters (with your claws into stone, as is tradition) and more "accomidating" methods for those without claws, like with pens and inks. Following that is the bulk of the book, on pronunciation of draconic. The book also offers helpful ways to hear proper draconic language, by suggesting that readers find the closest dragon and offer it a donation to hear it's divine language, continuing that the dragon would then be most happy to have its kobold liason escort the reader to a lesson in which the kobold would spend a great deal of time going through the several hundred examples of how to make the proper mouth contortion to properly pronounce a word with nothing but consonants. Lastly, the book contains several helpful guides for words and offers several word-searches and other elementary methods for language learning. Finally, there's a small authors note at the back of the book that sadly admits that since draconic is such an ancient and elegant language that it could take several lifetimes to master to the extent of a natural draconic orator could only master.

Manufacturing process

While there isn't an actual printing press yet, there has been enough magic to basically have the equivalent impact of cheap production of books to the point of exploitative dragons getting on the money train.


Originally created around 300 DR, there has been numerous editions, usually coming out a decade after each other. But much like the draconic language itself, it hasn't changed much since the beginning.
by bing, "copilot"
Item type
Book / Document
While this particular edition has been out of print for some time, there's still many of these books floating around at pretty much any place that sells books. From the most renowned library to the meekest market merchant's merchandise, you'll be bound to find a copy of this book anywhere you look for it.
4 lbs
10" x 4.5"
Base Price
20 gp
Raw materials & Components
Made with a heavy waterproof green leather cover and fine parchment sheets, this book is guaranteed to last longer than you will, as long as you aren't a dragon.

Cover image: by IRPGuardian