Soulbrands Physical / Metaphysical Law in Hellbor Heights | World Anvil


Dozens of Soulbrands exist, but there are a primary set which have prominence over all others, as they have been traditionally mapped to a series of major constellations or supernatural phenomena. Soulbrands are particular "typings" of souls, which gather under these categories. An individual does not become possessed by a Soulbrand which does not fit them; a Soulbrand is created by the pure expression of the possessor's soul: a brutal murderer can awaken their Mourning Soul when they discover they have accidentally killed someone they cared about, while more than a few discontented loner types have been found to possess the Rambler's Soul.  


  Souls whose corresponding constellations are found in the Galeaid mega-constellation, which depicts a woman holding a sword in one hand and a newly-born baby in the other while a fierce harpie-hydra descends upon her. The individual constellations are 'Mother's Heart', 'Gleaming Blade', 'The Little Star', 'Mother's Belt', and 'Kaignus The Hunter'.   The Mourning Soul ( Gleaming Blade )

Red River Soul ( Mother's Belt )

Comprehending Soul ( Little Star )

Bulwark's Soul ( Mother's Heart )

Rage-Rotten Soul ( Kaignus the Hunter )


The Crashing Dove megaconstellation depicts a dove with broken wings falling past the outreached jaws of a wolf and the snapping trap of a hunter. The dove is posed above a roiling ocean of hot water, and it is trailed by several feathers which have detached from the rest of it.

Mourning Soul ( Crashing Dove )

Opportunist's Soul ( Hunter's Trap )

Desperate Soul ( Wolf's Jaws )

Consuming Soul ( Boiling Water )

Survivalist's Soul ( Trailing Feathers)

Souls of the Wyldcat's Dance

The Wyldcat's Dance megaconstellation contains the mythological figure of Wyldcat, a many-faced shapeshifting god that appears in many cultural tales across the continent as they traveled freely and dabbled where they chose. Wyldcat is dancing with a humanoid man and a centaurid woman. A fox plays a saynailar behind them ( a six-stringed instrument with percussive points along the sides, intended to be played by a creature with equally dexterous control of both 'hands' and feet).

Rambler's Soul ( Wyldcat )

Lover's Soul ( Centaurid Suitor )

Glittering Soul ( Humanoid Suitor )

Artisan's Soul ( Player-Fox )

Songbird's Soul ( Saynailar )
Metaphysical, Astral


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