Ulhoir Species in Helios | World Anvil
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The Ulhoir, or the high men in their tongue, their origens are not known, save that one day they came down from the ever frozen waste in great numbers, and have since then spread far across the world. Some claim they are the descendants of giants and humans.  



Ulhoir venerate their god Ur, who they claim to descendant from, and he too appears to favor them, for they live and fight like himself. As such they revere him as something akin a father figure, though with much greater reverence and awe. To them he is their way of life personified, to live in a blaze of glory, to show respect when at peace and to honor your promises.  

The Great Spirits

Besides Ur, though to a much lesser extend do the Ulhoir give worship to the Great spirits as they hail them. These spirits have been worshipped by many societies in the far north, with many believing the worship may in fact have been brought by Ulhoir, though none are entirely sure. The ulhoir worship them as embodiments of the natural world, and as aspects that they strive to embody in order to be strong and good to their tribes.  

Ancestor Spirit

Basic Information


Perhaps at first glance or at distance the Ulhoir would look like a stocky human, which is not entirely wrong. Their legs are much wider and muscular their feet being much wider and club like in order to support their massive size, their chest as well appears much wider than ordinary human proportions than that an ordinary human.   Beneath the skin more strange feats are shown, they possess two hearts and 4 lungs, each in one side of the ulhoirs body, each of these systems can rest while the other works meaning the ulhoir practically keep going for days on end. The upper part of the rip-cage appears to almost be a solid piece, it is extremly hard yet almost unnaturally so combared to the other bones, aswell as possesing seemingly hard and redunant organs around vital organs, to protect the sensitive organs from piercing weapons or fractured bones.   A strange feature for their race is that their adrenaline glands seem to grow the more they are used, meaning battle hardened ulhoir can go into an adrenaline fueled rampage where they shrug off would be lethal blows.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ulhoirs are born in broods of up to 3. And a pregnancy last up to 2 years, but the Ulhoirs are born capable of walking and basic control of their bodily functions.

Growth Rate & Stages

An Ulhoir is reaches adulthood upon the age of 15, and can live up to 130 years. They do not feel the affects of age until the last 10 years of their lives, when age rapidly destroys their bodies, leaving them helpless and weak. Though some of them will show signs of age before that, such as grey hair, wrinkles and the like.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The ulhoir organize themselves in “kingdoms” or folksammel which are made up of a coalitions of tribes, which are organized from clans. The clans which make up a tribe are all connected by an Ancestor spirit which unifies the tribes, while a spiritmancers serves as the focal point of the community to communicate with their ancestors. Such ancestor spirits are almost deified. The tribes are collected into folksammels, not by shared ancestry but more akin to how much the clans have interacted and how they can relate to eachother through great deeds.   As such folksammels are very loosely connected, and share either strong bonds through thick and thin or fall apart and war each other for lands, the leaders of tribes are usually chosen by trials of combat, bravery and wisdom, where a chief must prove himself in each aspect to all the clans before he can challenge the current chieftain. Folksammel’s/kingdoms are created when tribes are united by king or jotun in their tonque.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ulhoir can be found across the known world due to their nomadic life style.

Average Intelligence

They are on average as intelligent humans.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Ulhoir Names are usually something which tells you about them, they are given personal names, then family names which tell who their linage is from. Usually a family name will be named from his father, and a daughter her mother. Then usually some sort of title or feat they’ve accomplished.

Personel names



Firthgest, Hrosskells, Agnar, Svinulfs, Ubbein,Havard, Asgrim, Sigvid, Hreida, Sigguatr, Jarnskeggi, Steinunn, Wrolfgeng, Halvdan Ulfgrim,Brondulf, Elfbjorg, Hrein.


Kjalla, Isulfs, Dalla, Thkatla, Thorbjorg, Hrafnhild, Regineif, Æsa, Matilda, Yri, Darri, Helga, Ingunn, Heith, Gudbjorg, Greiulf, Bera, Ragna, Torgard, Ragneid.  

Family names



Hrosskellsson, Agnarson,Ubbeinson, Asgrimson, Sigvidson, Brondulfson.  


Kjalladottir, Isulfsdottir, Dalladottir, Thkatladottir, Thorbjorgdottir, Helgadottir.  


Wall-breaker, Wolf-tamer, Mountain-climber, Many-lays, The Bloodied, Many-Children, Cairn-keeper, Decapitator, Many-Raids, Brood-Killer, Great-Hunter, Flesh-Mender, Good-Cook

Beauty Ideals

Ulhoir take great care in personal hygiene when at home or in peace, washing themselves regular and braiding their hair, or getting tattoes to show off.   Ulhoir much like humans care greatly for physical beauty, it is sign of confidence and surplus of energy, that somebody has time to take care of themselves. Though they also value strenght, as such muscles and athletics are very attractive to both genders.

Gender Ideals

Ulhoir make no real divide between men and woman, but there are certain norms they hold towards each gender. Men are expected to be great raiders and caretakers, while woman are needed to be great hunters and warriors. For Ulhoir pregancies last a long time, in that time while the husband is out getting them supplies the woman must be able to feed herself, and when the time comes she will take his place on the raids and he begins to raise the children, for Ulhoir can grow restless without proper battle, and after two years she is famished for glory and spoils.

Courtship Ideals

Ulhoir usually find bonding pairs for life, they will settle down with a single partner swearing themselves to each other, to loose such a partner is a devasting thing for them, and something they rarely recover from.

Average Technological Level

Ulhoir are great ship builds, and have gained a good understanding on the forging of steel.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Heritage of the Frozen Waste

Ulhoir are a born survivors, for they have little choice, back in their home it was too cold to form agricultural communities, they are hunters and killers one and all. Even their priest, shamans and ‘scholars’ for the lack of a better term are used to hunt, pillage and kill in order to scavange what they need, this past has led them to become ferocius warriors and raiders to this day, even as they settle greener pastures.

Bloody Customes

The Ulhoir follow the strange costumes set by their shamanic elders and the priest of Ur. And though each tribe is led by a chieftain, it is only the priest and shamans who hold any kind of sway over the Ulhoir in general. For Ulhoirs respect only family, strength and their ancestors/Ur. A chieftan will rarly if ever hold any sway over his people without the promise of glorious battle and loot.The Ulhoir are not known to hold grudges in defeat, in fact they respect the victors more than anything. For they relish the opportunity for challenge for it means a new and worthy battle to return to, until they are victorious. Though the Ulhoirs are known as horrible barbaric murderers who maim all in their path, they are not allowed to kill a child, their god Ur views it as cowardice, for a child cannot defend itself, nor has it had the chance to taste the glory and victory that accompanies a long life or a successful one. As such it is their duty adopt to raise the children of the defeated, so that they may life to become great warriors in the name of Ur and live with their new family or try to claim their vengeance, as is their right, such children are called warkin.

Thirst For Glory

The Ulhoir have an insatiable appetite for battle, caring little for who or what they fight, so long as there is glory and spoils to be had. Some Ulhoir do it simply to gain glory and wealth, others to sustain their families and some because their hungry god Ur demands it. The result is the same however, the Ulhoir have for millennia been a scourge to the northern realms and all who live along the great river. Earning them a reputation as blood thirsty reavers. For the Ulhoir however it is simply their costume and their right to fight the weaker and reed them out so that the strong may flourish. To an Ulhoir one does not have a right to something, unless one can protect it. And those who can take something should take it, for it is the right of the strong and the right of the victor to claim the spoils. This however also means that few Ulhoir live to see old age, as most of them would rather die on their feet in foreign lands than die at home lying die on a bed.
by Adrien Smith
The Ulhoir claim direct ancestry from the mighty god of pillaging and glory; Ur. They hail from the Northern waste, seeking new lands, telling stories that an endless winter is coming from the waste, such tales seem backed by little, especially given that the northern regions have always been tundras and frozen wastelands. They are however, a hardy folk, excellent drinking buddies and hardened warriors one and all.
— Hans Eidenstrob - Northern expeditions
An Ulhoir is reaches adulthood upon the age of 15, and can live up to 130 years.
Average Height
around 10 feet is the norm. Rarely do they grow to 11 or even 12 feet tall, such individuals being called Ur touched, and hailed as the emissaries of their god or expected to become mighty heroes.   A few diminutive members of their people only grow up to around 9 feet tall.
Average Weight
600 to 880 Pounds on average.
Average Physique
Ulhoir's seemingly without exception grow up to be massive and hulking, their muscle growth a necessity to support their immense size and weight.


Ability Score Increase Your Consitution score increases by 2. Wisdom and strength is increased by 1 while dexterity is decreased by 2.
Size Large
Speed 35


Due to your immense size you need to consume 4 pounds of food and 4 gallons of water each day.  

Unending Stamina.

You have advantage on all exhaustion related saving throws. Due to your superior body and its extra organs allows you to run for miles without tiring, to go days without eating.  

Strength of Giants

Your immense size allows you to deliver devastating strikes: When you use a melee weapon you increase one it's damage dice by 1(a d4 becomes a d6, a d8 becomes d10 etc.). If that weapon deals a 1d12 of damage, you instead add 1d4 to it's damage.  

Hardened buddy.

You gain 1 additional hitpoint each level. You have Cold resistance; The effects of cold weather hold little sway upon you, only the most dire of cold weather will prove a threat.  

Uncaring juggernaut.

Ulhoir’s ignore anything less than fatal wounds, when they grow through battle as such: As a reaction when an attack strikes you can use one of your hit dice, to gain temporary hit points equal to the roll of the hit-dice + your constitution modifier. These temporary hit points last for a minute. Can be used once per short rest.  

Unstoppable momentum.

On your turn if you move at least 20 ft. in a straight line, you may ignore the effects of difficult terrain. after the movement you may as a bonus action make a shove action that also deals 1d4+strength modifier bludgeoning damage.    

Racial Feat

Attuned to the Great Spirits

Being Attuned with the great spirits of the tribe grants you great abilities, but it is a dangerous path that you walk, giving in to the beast is always closer to those let it touch their hearts, but the benefits of mastering their aspect is undeniable. You may choose one of the following spirits each time you take the feat and gain the ability to cast Speak with animals at will.   Bear: You take on the brutality and endurance of The Great Bear and gain the following benefits. Your Consitution score increases by 1   You can take on the Aspect of the Great bear, growing savage claws and a thick impenetrable hide:You gain natural armor. While you aren’t wearing armor, you can calculate your AC as 13 + your Constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit. In addition you gain natural weapons that deal 1d8+strength modifier slashing damage, this natural weapon counts as having finesse.   Raven: You take on the conniving insight and wits of The Great Raven. Your wisdom score increases by 1   Predict: You predict your foes moves and gain advantage on a single attack role. in addition you may use the eyes of The Great Raven to gain knowledge on two of the following options: current hp, vulnerability, resistances and Immunities. You can use this ability an equal amount of times to your wisdom modifier per short rest. if a creature is shielded from divination you cannot gain knowledge on said creature.     Wolf: You take on the Ferocity of The Great Wolf and gain the following benefits. Your Strenght score increases by 1   Opportunistic hunter: when you strike a creature with an opportunity attack or with advantage, you may in addition attempt to knock it prone and reduce it's movement to zero, you may use ability once per turn. In addition you gain 5 feet of movement speed.     Stag: You Take on the Nobility and Stubbornness of The Great Stag and gain the following benefits. Your Charisma score increases by 1   You borrow the inspiring presence of The Great Stag, to influence another creature and can cast crown of madness once per long rest. The afflicted creature will grow a set of antlers and treat you with reverence and respect.   In addition you may manifest the antlers of the Great Stag, when you the Unstoppable momentum ability you may replace the damage on the shove attack with 2d6+strength modifier. You can use this ability once per short rest.

Languages. You Speak Vrakull and one common language of your choice. Vrakull has no written language, but does possess basic and primitive runes, without any way to distinquise plural or singular or a numeral system.


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Apr 30, 2019 12:42

This is a brilliant article, full of originality. I actually couldn't find much to improve on, save for a few grammer errors, and a few sections that are a bit small (I recommend a minimum of three lines per heading). Aside from that, nothing I could think of. I did, however, find the artist of the image you wanted to find. It was made by Adrien Smith, although I imagine he does not own the image, as it was made for an RPG system, Blood Rage. I guess which you use is up to you. Have a great day!

May 3, 2019 21:22

Thank you for the feedback! working on fleshing things, and look into expanding some it, it does look a bit silly with half a line and that header. And thank you for the source on the image!