The Reflected Serpent. Character in Helios | World Anvil
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The Reflected Serpent.

He was born from himself, he is always tearing himself down and remaking it in a new image, never has it been the same never shall be different. Often known has the humbled serpent, it teaches the importance of self-reflection and improvement, but also to hold unto your good qualities. To take from others what you do not posses, to become what the world expects you to, and what you want to be.   The Koanka worship the Reflected serpent in many diffrent ways, but usually it places importance on his aspects that placed your in contrast to the world, to desire to be your own but to adhere to others expections and balance it. He is rarly invoked or worshipped.


The Seventh month on the seventh day, a banquet to celebrate what we are is held, with a empty to table for the serpent or for the poor to sit at in his place. It places emphasis on community and individual achievements.

This article has no secrets.


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