The Blooming Serpent Character in Helios | World Anvil
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The Blooming Serpent

A god of somewhat lesser importance to the Koanka mainly due to his association with the lower caste. But his role in the world is still viewed with great importance. Depicted as a serpent with ripped and teared scales and with a flower blooming from his mouth.   The Blooming serpent is the lord of the islands where the mer-serpent is tasked with ruler-ship of all the seas and mother to all creatures within it The Blooming serpent is the lord of the lands, all which grows on land was birthed from his sores, the trees, the grass and the crops all spring from his life giving puss and gore. His scrapped skin formed the land and his shed skin made mountains, while his wounds gave the world lush green life. He gave life to all animals on land and shaped the word in his image, therefor he is a rival to the Mer-serpent.   The Koanka do not offer him great reverance as to not anger the Mer-serpent, and few of the islands jungles are safe for them, as such many view him with somewhat of a antagonist image, where his bounties require continuous labor and deadly hunts the Mer-serpents gift though not always as steady and reliable are often great and generous.   Perhaps somewhat strangely to outsiders, does the blooming serpent also serve as guide for travelers, as fresh water is also within his domain, as such anyone traveling between the rivers of the islands are within his domain. All within the jungles, the mountains and the wild is within his domain. All the Grows from the earth is within his domain.   He is given sacrifices and worshiped for: Good harvest, Safe travelers in his rivers and jungles, mercy from his children, healing from wounds and diseases.

Divine Domains

Life, Nature, Harvest, Wildlife,


Third day of the Third month: Great Sacrifices must be given to the Blooming serpent, the Blood of a child, the heart of an animal and the heart of a humanoid creature.
Divine Classification

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