Morkai Character in Helios | World Anvil
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The Ever Burning Heart, Typhoon of Rage, Warrior of the Endless Battle. Morkai

An ancient primordial, Morkai is among the few who survived the conflict with the celestial host, the avatar of fire and volcanic activity, he represents the burning heat of the world and the all-consuming fire. His heart is said to have been consumed by the fires of war during the ancient conflict, never to truly recover.   He does not believe in peace, to him war is eternal the only constant of mortal life is death, it is war, it is all that life is. He is the god of brutal warfare, war In which the goal is carnage and bloodshed, no finesse just pure strength. His Followers are far and few in between, but some generals adhere to his creed, to dedicate all you are to pure violence to break an enemy's line, to burn your own lands to feed the machine of war.   There is however more to Morkai than simple and mindless destruction, he is also a god of desires and passion. For his emotions burn strongly in his heart, and he always heeds them, he inspires great works of art and passions in people, perhaps unknowingly, it is from him which passion comes. Though such things were once alien concepts to the primordial, Morkai was quick to accept the strange concepts brought by the coming of the celestials, for they fueled his potential.  



The Raging One

The Aspect of Morkai represents Morkai's lust for battle and the unceasing rage that burns at him. His followers feel this rage, beneath their skin, prickling at them, waiting to be unleashed so that they, like their master may lose themselves in battle, forget all but the clash of steel.  

The Burning Heart

The Aspect of Morkai which represents his emotions, Morkai's fire does not allow him to sit easily, his emotions are what guides him for good and evil, and his followers to experience a great increase in their emotional states, suddenly every small emotion becomes a raging inferno. It is this aspect that allows him and his followers to always pursue their passions above all else.  

The Hunger

The Hunger is Morkai's Lust for destruction, his need to endlessly pursue the end of the world, as we know. Those who would invoke such a dangerous aspect are few, for it represents the burning of the old that something new may take its place, but it is a well-understood concept to many druidic circles who may take up this dangerous but ultimately necessary aspect.    


To worship Morkai one must approach his aspects, either one must do battle or experience something greatly emotional to draw his attention. To appeal to his heart by setting one-self alight to become closer to god, something drastic and or bombastic. Bring ruin to his and your foes, tear down their world and their way of life, leave only the ruins of your wake.    

To honor your god

Fight in his name.   Burn your enemies.   Destroy those who oppose your desires.

Divine Domains

War, Conflict, Hate.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ash; his symbol is simply ash speared across a surface, the most symbolic places his followers can apply this would be on the face or above the chest.


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