Moon Drops Item in Helios | World Anvil
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Moon Drops

Moon Drops are crystallized magical energy, something which requires incredibly amounts of power to make artificially, making the stones even more unique, for in desert of Kathlam such objects can be found naturally occuring! during strange focal points of magical energy often referred to as nexus points, for unknown reasons magical energies converge on such spots in the desert condesing into strange metaphysical properties, such as crystaline trees, streams of water flowing upwards, though the techniques for such harvest are closely guarded, if one knows how to can from these spots extract the precious moon drops.    

Moon Drop

Wondrous Item

Rare Requires Attunement

If a Spellcaster ingests the moonstone they will experience an incredibly but short lived high, flooding their systems with excess magical power, giving them Disadvanatge on all wisdom(perception checks) and Wisdom saving throws for 18 secounds. But in the next spell they cast will be cast as if it was one spell level higher, to a maximum of 9.   It can also be used to replace some magical reagents in the crafting of magical items.

Cost: 1000G
Weight: 1lb


These Stones are incredibly useful for magicians, functioning as conduits for magical energy, they are essential in the construction of golems and many magical rituals in which such objects can replace rarer reagents! Or they can be directly consumed by the mage giving them an incredibly high and power boost.
Item type
Raw Material
Current Location
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Cover image: Gem Artifact by MaR-93


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