Lizardfolk Species in Helios | World Anvil
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The Lizardfolk are an old and mysterious race, found across the known world, usually around wetlands, marshes or islands. They are isolasionist by nature, highly terriorial and aggresive to all they would consider outsiders of their people. They often congregate around old ruins they claim as their own, though some claim these structures hold great signicance to them, but their aggresive nature has made further investigation and understanding of their kind difficult.    


Lizardfolk hold no affection for any gods, they view all such entities of power as something which can grant them help. As such it quite common to see lizardfolk worship in whatever ruins they may have settled or local dragons or any being of great power for that matter, for they do not care to what they pray to it, as long as it aids them in there survival.  


Lizardmen language reflects their simple minds, it is language of few words, that can convey entire sentences and purposes. These are some common examples.   Ataxa - Plague/Curse.   Boq - (Bock) Weapon/Hurt/Hit.   Gar - Attack.   Goq - (Gock) Forward/March.   Gor - (Gore) Rend/Slash/Strike.   Hau- Hunt/Food/Stalk.   Hex - (Hecks) Ground/home.   Kai - (Kie) Ancient/Forgotten/Lore.   Loq - (Lock) Fierce/Danger/Death.   Qu'itt - Gift/Sacrifice/Balance.   Qu - Defend/Obsidian.   Tlax - (Tlacks) City/Temple.   Volcanigar - Volcanic eruption/Charge(War cry).   Xili - Fire/Destroy/Siege.   Xlanax - Outsider/Trouble/Daemon.

Basic Information


Lizardmen are bipedal reptilian humanoids with hands and legs, usually with tails and elongated faces, their bodily structure is however vastly diffrent between it's genders. Generally they can be divided into three types, their names derive from the famous expeditions of Andros Suvil expeditions into Utvana:  


perhabs the most numerous of the lizardfolk, they varie greatly in appearence depending on their tribe, but they possess core traits: they are lithe, long limbs the Suh'ra stand roughly 5 feet tall, the suth'ra have a thick almost leathery skin of scales, usually in deep blue colours or in rich nuances of green. They usually have small crest protruding from the back of their head, to the base of their necks. There skeletal structure makes them slightly hunched. they have small but rather sharp claws, the same goes for their teeth. Much like their arms their tails are thin and long.They have webbed hands, and appear able to spend multiple hours under water. Their faces are narrow, tall and elongated.  


they are what we would understand as male, at first glance they appear much like the Suth'ra, but they are more powerfully build, standing a little under 7 feet, their scales are noticbly larger than Suth'ra, and incredibly durable. Their crest are usually longer aswell, some extending to their tails. Their claws and teeth are strong and sharp. There facial structure appears almost draconic, their face wide and jaws arraed with colourful frills, their bite carrying the force to easily break a humans bones. There reproductive organs are found in skin pouches along their neck. Their scales display a wide range of bright colours, usually with bright reds, orange and blue. Their sails sometimes extend.


rarest of the lizardfolk they are vastly diffrent compared to the other, massively muscled hulking creatures, possesing stout limbs of immense strength, and standing around 10 feet tall. Their fingers are clawless, though they still have sharp nails, though nothing which would function as a natural tool, relying instead on more brutish methods. Their scales are like great slaps of hardened steel, a series of interlocked plates which form a natural defense that breaks blades and claws alike should they be caught between them. There scales lack any pigmentation, appearing like a dull grey or brown. They have strong crodilian jaws and faces, but their lack of lips make their vocalization rather limited, and they appear less intelligent then their smaller kin.


Usually lizardfolk cluthes hatch with around 60% becomming Suth'Ra, 30% becoming Xuha'Ti and 10% being born as Ro'Ra.

Biological Traits

Instinctual Minds

Lizardfolk, are creatures of instinct, and primal emotions, such as fear, aggression and pleasure, though capable of "higher" emotions, they are for a lack of better word, dulled when compared to it's more primitive impulses and therefor rarely acted upon. As such they live in world of cold and harsh logic, viewing the world through a lens of net-gain and loss. Does the tribe and therefor i stand to gain from this, or not? This cold detachment from the world, makes them view the world differently. They for example would not fear a dragon, in the sence of being scared, but realise that it is a much stronger creature, that they should avoid fighting, unless absolutely necessary. They view the world in a somewhat more sophisticated prey and hunter dichotomy, some creatures can be attack as prey if they are weaker than themselves or if they pose a great threat that must be dealt with for their continued safety. While other creatures are too strong to be attack directly, such creatures should be avoided, or persuaded to aid them. While some creatures are good for them, such creatures that make the lizardfolks life easier, such creatures should preserved, perhaps even at risk to their own health.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lizardfolk reproduction is what truly alienates them to most other humanoid races, but is only one of many alien traits. The Large crocadilian Ro'ra functions as the species females, claiming an area of the tribe, where it makes it's nest, where it will not tolarate the precense of other females. Laying dozens of unfertilzied eggs in small enclosed areas, which are constructed by it's followers of Suth'ra which are genderless, possesing neither the ability to fertilize the eggs nor lay them. Who then tend to them until a worthy male is choosen by the Ro'ra. They choose these partners based it's both it's looks and combat prowess, as the males, which would be the Xuha'ti, perform ritualized combat to show off their bodies, colouration, accesories which it may have collected and strenght. Once choosen it will fertilize the eggs of the nest.

Growth Rate & Stages

Suth'ra mature incredibily quickly, being to fend for itself within weeks of birth, and will within months be able to call itsef a mature member of it's kin. Though further research is needed, some scholars speculate that the Suth'ra are able to morph into the other types of lizardfolk, should there be non around, in order to perpetuate the species.   The Xuha'ti grow and mature much like a human would, or atleast in the same rate and manner. No Xuha'ti is known to have died of old age, and appear to grow throughout their lives, though once they reach around 7 feet, usually at the age of 50, their growth becomes significantly stifled, but some explorers, claim to have seen Xahu'ti which almost reached a height of 10 feet.   The Ro'ra mature at an incredibly slow rate, it can take up to 50 years for it to reach full maturity. and grow throughout their entire lives, their scales hardening all the time, in fact it is theorized, that if the Ro'ra do not

Ecology and Habitats

Lizardfolk usually inhabit, humid and aquatic envoirments, such as marshes, wetlands and are often found in deep and humid jungles, usually along lakes or rivers. Supplying them their main diet of fish. Lizardfolk regardless of the place they live in seem to seek out an order to their world. beginning to take care to the envoirment, ensuring proper water flow, maintaining equilibrium between predators and prey animals, they have a seeming natural understanding of the careful balance which their envoirments thrive under, and as such themselves.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lizardfolk mainly eat fish, but they are ultimatly canvivores and will eat anything without exception should it present itself as weaker than the lizardfolk in question.

Biological Cycle

The Lizardfolk are seemingly unaffected by time, growing only greater in stature and mind.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Lizardfolk society is based around a loosely connected tribe, though lizardfolk hold no special connection to their tribes. Their social bonds are entirely out of convenience for their own survival as individuals first, and species second. These tribes are usually connected by the great Ro'Ra and their nests, when a single Ro'Ra establishes a primitive hierarchy of strenght begins to delegate nest spots for those who are weaker than it self, with the Suth'Ra living around them seemingly serving in their other kin by instinct and the Xuha'Ti living amongst them for breeding access to preserve their linage. Though on rare occasion A Xuha'Ti may grow old enough or clever enough to challenge the Hierarchy, should such a thing occur their tribal society quickly changes to something resembling a primitive fief-dom the much smarter Xuha'Ti seeking to establish it's domiances and strenght over all it considers a threat.       Lizardfolk society is as much as it is a social structure an instinctual one, the Suth'Ra know to seek protection and guidance form the stronger and smarter Xuha'Ti, forming bands around their power and prestige. The Xuha'Ti on the otherhand seek to impress both the Suth'ra and Ro'Ra with their bands and own appearance, to attract new followers and the right to fertilize eggs. While the Ro'Ra fight amongst themselves for nesting and hierarchy, appraising potential spawn fathers by how well their bands can provide food and their appearences and strength etc.  

Clutch Kin

Though lizardfolk do not hold strong familial bonds through generations, each clutch refer to each other as clutch kin, and share an almost familial love with each other, they are the first creatures they ever see in the world, and must take care of each other from that moment on. Though once they grow old they might seperate, the bond of the clutch is strong, and they often remain friends for life.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

While the meat of lizardfolk is rough and frankly uneatable unless treated for a long time, there skin and scales make for fashionable wear to some species.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As a general notion lizardfolk have excellent eyesight, they appear able to distinquish colours extremly well, but do not appear to be able to disquinish objects very well unless in movement or due to colour diviation. Which has spawned a myth that they are unable to perceive very far, or indeed well.   They posses rather poor hearing, in the sence that they are unable to perceive low intensity noises, and have trouble hearing most high pitch noises aswell.   There sense of smell is however quite well developed.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Lizardfolk do not name their offspring, they choose their own names once they reach maturity, this is considered a great event and the lizardfolk in question may embark on a personal quest to claim a great name, such as hunting a dangerous game, supply the tribe with rare materials. The event will culminate in a naming ritual. Usually they take names which they feel describe themselves, and given the lizardfolks lack of a deep language many of their names are simple words stringed together. They do not hold familiy names, as lizardfolk do not have familial bonds.  

Naming Examples:

each name holds personal meaning, as such one cannot clearly translate the meaning of the name, without knowing the Lizardfolk in question.   Tza-Tli (Swamp-Beast) A particularly ferocious and aggressive name, that holds their origin, or perhaps it slew a particularly large beast from the swamps for it's naming ceremony.   Xa-Qua(Vengeance-Fate) Some Lizardfolk may swear vengeance against particular people or enclaves for hunting their band and tribe, such may take names that show this dedication, this name indicate that it is fate that their vengeance will be fulfilled.   Qu-Teka (Defend-Home)

Beauty Ideals

To call it a Beauty ideal may seem wrong to some, and it would perhabs be more right to say that it is makes for an attractive mate. Strenght is a must for the lizardfolk, it is what enables them to survive in their hunter-gatherer culture, if one is too weak, they will not able to fend for themselves, so how ill they be able to fend for their spawn? Lizardfolk find colouration highly attrative, as such a Xuha'Ti will often decorate themselves with gold and colored feathers and stones to enhance their natural coloration to appear more attractive.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship amongst the lizardfolk is relativly simple thing, the Xuha'Ti seek to sire as many young as possible, and will seek a Ro'Ra who has gained nesting ground and compete for affection against the other Xuha'Ti in ritualistic combat, to show off their bodies and strenght.

Relationship Ideals

Lizardfolk rarely hold anysort of deeper relations, they hold no deep sence to act of sexual relations, one simply fertilizes the eggs to ensure their genetic success and seek to feed their spawn until they are old enough to care for themselves, after which they hold little to no relation.

Average Technological Level

Lizardfolks primitive mindset have not made them see any greater technological developments, they will often scavenge from others what they cannot make themselves, and make most of their tools from bones and obsedian.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Lizardfolk language appears to be something they innately know and understand, as there dialect is universal no matter the distance or tribe. Their language Muhn-Da(Natural-Order)

Common Myths and Legends

Oldest of tales, told by many nest-keepers to the younglings of the Ro'Ra and Xuha'Ti is the tale of their god, the tale of Xepakti. Keeper of groves and the primal. They say that he was a peaceful and kind god, one who only wanted the world to remember remember it's humble origin and reflect themselves in that past. He raised the people(reference to the lizardfolk) from the marsh waters and jungle floor, to help him keep his gardens, as so they did, they learned to take care of all he bid, never knowing of the world outside, until the world came to them and their god. For they say that in the old times were gods fought their own creation, and killed amongst themselves, was their god swallowed by a cruel serpent, it allowed the people to live on, but it brought them knowledge of which they did not know, it gave them hunger, it gave them instinct to kill, so that they could fend for themselves, and the people did so, for they have known since those days, that the world will always find them and harm them, even as they hide from the world, they must fight to remain, lest they die, like their weak god.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Lizardfolk, do not hold other races in high esteem, must tribes will attack on sight, for outsiders always bring with them trouble and conflict, though some tribes accept outsiders to some extend, knowing it easier to cooperate to one extend or another to kill the interlopers.
Some Suth'Ra who are highly trusted and respected for their strength and or intellect, are often ardoned with various finery to signify their position.
it is unknown how old lizardfolk can become, but some claim to have met some who's lifespan rivals even elves.
Average Height


Roughly 5 feet


standing a little under 7 feet


Around 10 feet.
Average Weight


around 130 pounds


around 300pounds


around 800 pounds
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Though in general Lizardfolk skin/scale colouring ranges from light to dark blues and greys, they some tribes are known to have dazzling green scales. Usually the chest region of the has a much lighter tone then the rest of their body. The Xuha'Ti display a wide range of colouring on their backs and crest, and upper chest, usally ranging in red to orange coloration. Other colours are considered markings for greatness or otherness. The Suth'ra and Ro'ra do not have these colour patches, but it is quite common for the Suth'Ra to paint and mark themselves in similar colours to the Xuth'Ra or Ro'Ra they follow.


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