Creatures of the Fey Wilds - An Introduction in Helios | World Anvil
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Creatures of the Fey Wilds - An Introduction

Although they fey are capable of making choices, feeling emotion, and acting in surprising ways, the key difference between mortals and the fey is that the fey do not have free will. Mortals can change drastically over the course of years, turning a new leaf, so to speak, but the fey are unchanging in nature.

Elva Fey

The creatures which we often associate with the Fey, are creatures of Elva decent, when the world that was collapsed and their Immortality was stolen by Gethwen many choose to flee from death and the physical realm, choosing to go to the timeless realms of the Feywilds, perhaps not fully understanding the price of existence in the primordial realm. For they were forever changed, unmade and remade in their new home's image.  

Fey of the Court

Also known as the Nelathi Mar "Season Born", for they are now intricately tied to the four seasons and their very nature defined by it's coming and passing. Though they retain much of their original appearance and power, and to do so requires great mental fortitude, for the Fey Wilds twists and turns all that live within it.   Nelathi Mar The Fey of the Four Courts, and one of the most dangerous creatures of the wild, for they are fiercely intelligent, unpredictable and often malicious in their intent. The Nelathi Mar are incredibly powerful, even the youngest of their kin are powerful magicians and have an eternity head of them to train their skills.   Arnlings The Shadowlings of Arnahar the servants of Dailia though younger than the Nelathi Mar as they first became would join their Goddess in exodus long after the first Exodus of the elves, they are non the less incredibly dangerous, for they do not posses the whimsical nature of the Fey, the Arnlings posses only heartless cruelty and a will for domination like their dark Goddess. They can be found were the Fey Wilds thins and the woods grow dark, here the connection between Arnahar and the Fey Wilds blend and from here do the Arnlings come.  

The Wyld Fey

Not all of the Nelathi Mar can retain their mind and personality within the twisting realm they reside, many lost themselves to the chaos, becoming diminutive and twisted figures, parodies of their former glory. These are creatures are more part of the Fey wilds than their elven ancestry.  


Mirts is a term for the lesser Fey Spirits, twisted over many generations into weaker and more chaotic creatures, Mirts are now servants to the chaotic nature of the wilds, often bound to the groves and other stronger Fey, they are creatures unable to rationalize or make greater plans, instead they are creatures of chaotic impulse and instinct, often seen as smaller humanoids with wings and at times with monstrous features.  


Those who have fallen to the Natural elements of the Fey Wilds, often referred to as Dryads. They are Elva and fey spirits trapped within Tree's and other objects, usually to serve the courts. This can be done as an act of punishment, and one of the few ways to truely kill a fey, to rob them of their minds and imprison them with the trunk of a great tree.    


Elds Refer to the more Ancient denizens of the Fey Wild, those who were there long before the exodus of the elves.

Murn Bloods

Sylvan creatures of humanoid decent, such as Satyrs and Alseids, creatures that were once of humanoid decent, now twisted and imbued with the essence of the wilds. Though individual Murn's are not necessarily as old as the Elva, their kin have long existed within the Fey Wilds. In a sence they were it's original inhabitants and often live true to their chaotic nature, they are rarely malicious, but can be quite vindictive if their traditions are not upheld.      


Natural and strange creatures found within the Fey Wild, such as Owl Bears, Displacer Beasts and Kot Bayun, usually these creatures bear some resemblance to creatures of the physical realm, but with some blaring differences, abnormalities and cunning intelligence. It is unclear if the Sylvan are truely of the fey, or if they, like the Murn Blooded are creatures taken by the realm.  


Those born of the Fey, the Ayin-Shai hold many forms and names, with no true unity between them and in truth it is mere classification for the myriad shapes that forms in the fey wilds. Usually they take on animalist or tree like traits, placing them a strange place between the powerful Wyrns and Hags, but unlike them are born savage and wild, usually only forming identities through the assimilation of other creatures.  


Ancient and powerful beings, the hags have existed in the Fey Wilds since the dawn of time, they see themselves as the true Elds along with the Ayin-Shai, and in fact hold considerable hatred of the Murn-Blooded, and hate being compared to them. While most fey creatures have some amount of grace to them, hags are the embodiment of that which ugly and cruel. They hate the fey for stealing their realm and they loath their authority over them. They are not harmed by iron or steel, like the other fey, and their teeth and nails are formed from iron, yet another reason for the fey to hate them. The oldest and most powerful hags are known as “grandmothers”, and some of these hags have power that rivals even that of the fey Queens. However, hags are incapable of working in large groups, so they pose little to no threat to fey that avoid them. Because hags stockpile information, the fey Queens or other powerful archfey will sometimes enlist them to exchange information.   Hags often hide their disgusting and rotten bodies from travellers in order to gain the upper hand, but their backs always reveal the their true rotten body.  


Creatures of the Wild Woods, Sylvan spirits, which take shape, such creatures gain strength from their age, for as their roots sink into the world so do they become more attuned to it, allowing them to manifest as stronger forms, such creatures are partially feared by many of the fey for their connection to the Wild Woods, and thus rarely called upon, and when they are they are treated with immense respect. While the elder spirits are patient and caring the younger spirits can often be quite aggressive and hostile, for their love of the grove is absolute.
The Few Wilds cover

Elder Ones

The Elder spirits of the Wild Wood, control great swaths of the Wyld in the Fey Wilds, such spirits are of tremendous power and immense knowledge, their minds are unknowable enigmas, even to the Eldest of the Fey, something causes them great pause when approaching them, for if any creature can see through the deception of the Fey, then it is the Elder Ones, The Children of Ntegyog.  

Great Ones

  The Great ones are spirits which have held a grove for many centuries, growing rich and strong on the attendants of their young Ones, such spirits are more reasonable than the Elder Ones, their minds still young enough to reason with the younger races, and are often quite reasonable when bargained with and charitable, but their price often carries a darker unknown side, not out of malice, for the Wyrns do not understand the morality of mortals.

Growing Ones

The Growing ones are just a step above the Younglings, in the sense that they are given a rare gift within the Wilds and the Wyld, they are gifted the ability of reasoning, change and growth, in a personal sense, for even the young ones may grow strong and tall, but their minds will never change, and the great ones have already seen all that the world knows. The Growing have not, and so they are gifted the rare chance to experience it and change with it. Such creatures include the Himr often called the Falon Bellanaris, or the Sylph the curious caretakkers of the grove.

Young Ones

Weakest of the spirits but also the most numerous, they are fanatical servants of the wyld and used by the other spirits as their arms and ears, they live to serve the grove and will gladly give their lives in that service, they can often be quite malicious and warlike, for their kin have fought for countless centuries against encroaching mortals and fey alike.
It is quite common for the Nelathi Mar to take on traits of what court they belong to, the Summer court have vibrant hairs, rich and sun kissed skin, the Winter court has white hair, pale and deathly skin their eyes are piercing blue, the very image of an unforgiving winter.  


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