Aurela Species in Helios | World Anvil
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The Aurela were among the first of the Osili, the Followers of Osi, and as such their past is a long-forgotten relic of time. Even their name is not that of their original people. Many of the Aurela serve with distinction in the Dominion, which translates into being good cogs in the machine.

Lost Heritage

Whatever their people once were they are no longer, whatever their origin may have been, has long been lost to time, and few would even bother with such questions among their people. As such most Aurela serves with great loyalty to the dominion as no one knows an alternative. Some Of the Aurela however do decide to find their own path in life as exiles hunted by their fellow countrymen. The Aurela which leave are like empty slates, with no ties to anything in the world, many find the world a confusing and chaotic place. And many in the end resort to more barbarous means to survive in this hostile world, while some settle down far away from everything. And some go out into the world in order to make a name for themselves and a place to call their own.

Beings of Order

Many Aurela find the lack of structure to be most disturbing. And cannot fully comprehend that some do not know their purpose or lot in life. This is an alien Concept to the Aurela born within the dominion as their teachers choose their purpose in life early in life, and as with most of those born in the dominion, they view purpose as the most important thing in life. Therefore many find the world outside the dominion to be chaotic and purposeless place. Those who leave the dominion behind may find that the world is a strange place and some may find its chaotic nature refreshing.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

It seems to many that their long presence amongst the titans have granted them some of their power, for the Aurela are particularly resistant to magical effects, as magic seems to naturally shy away from them as it does the titans.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Aurela like all other members of the Domin-ion do not have personal names, but instead, carry the name of their station and function within the state. Though many who leave the dominion do at one point adopt a name, usually a local name. To Many Aurela the idea of a personal name is weird, and as such, they instead adopt a word that describes them. The Aurela do not have the concepts of families and therefore do not deal in surnames, although some of them might decide to start the tradition. Many within the dominion also give each other nick-names, some may decide to keep them.  

Personal names:

  Adopted name: Many-smiles(Fi-Shika), Crush-er(Gorn), Smith(Caravon), Walker(Wazjini), Traveler(trizar), Baker(Valani), Hunter, seeker, tidy, ambitious, amiable, cold, courage, fear, Ruthless. Nomas(Sweet)   Osildum names: Aragai(Farmer), Je-nari(soldier),Okai(spy), Ynasi(Diplomate) Sjeli-marn(sword maker)
An Aurela reaches adulthood at the age of 20 and their lifespan rarely stretches above that of a few years beyond a century. Although the Au-rela do no age as humans do, though the years may make them scarred and wrinkled, their body does not wither, inst


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