NPCs Species in Heimland | World Anvil
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NPCs (meaning "Non-Person-Creatures"), are a race of unusual enigmatic beings that live just outside the dimension of Heimland. They are common on the Tagaloa as well. These strange beings may share a relation with the Others.

Basic Information


NPCs appear as dull grey humanoids with long sharp noses, hollow button eyes and thing almost nonexistent mouths. They have no ears or any other discernible features. Each NPC has five fingers on each hand, but no toes or even legs. Their bodies are disembodied torsos, they have no legs or lower region. NPC's only function if a person interacts with them. They only act when triggered by a person or function, otherwise they are just hollow puppets, standing around to just do the same scripted thing over and over, appearing and disappearing. They appear in the corner of a person's eye, or in mirrors when a person is looking away. If a person catches a glimpse of one of them, that NPC will follow the person around for the rest of their lives. NPCs make no sound when they move, and only seem to appear and disappear, fading in and out of existence. This may be because they are physically trapped in-between two different realities at the same time, thus their particles are ripping apart and joining together over and over.   Although they normally appear alone, sometimes a group of NPCs will form. When a group of NPCs places their hands on one NPC, that NPC will suddenly develop a more physical form and be able to interact with the physical realm for a time.   The below picture shows a group of NPCs placing their hands on one NPC, causing the one to appear more physical:  
by C.S.De Silva (Ken D)
  NPCs seem to have a deep attraction to strong emotions. They have a strange attraction to joy, and an even stronger attraction to fear. This is why they are commonly found in places with a lot of positive or negative emotional energy (such as at festivals or funerals).

Genetics and Reproduction


Growth Rate & Stages


Ecology and Habitats

For unknown reasons, they can be found anywhere with strong emotional significance (e.g. the place where a loved-one has died). They are most commonly found in Kristyan churches.

Dietary Needs and Habits


Biological Cycle


Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities


Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Unknown, as they have never been observed to speak.


It is unknown when they came into existence, but sightings of these strange figures have been common since before the Folk came.
Scientific Name
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Average Physique
Related Ethnicities

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