Utana's Slipper in Heimaalin | World Anvil

Utana's Slipper

Much like the legendary queen herself, it is nigh-impossible for one to encounter the slipper and walk away unscathed.
Named for the legendary queen of Barazar, Utana's Slipper is an invasive plant species in Barazar. The orchid, most likely introduced from one of Barazar's distant island colonies, spread quickly once gaining a foothold, but has thankfully been isolated to the kingdom's Northeastern regions. The orchid's flower creates a bowl-like shape that collects pools of sweet nectar, enticing small birds and insects to aid in its pollination. As beautiful as it appears, children are warned to give the plant a wide berth, as the orchid's stalk secretes an oil that causes terrible blistering when brought in contact with sunlight. Due to this unique quality, many in Barazar have attempted to weaponize the oil.