Arnt Batin Settlement in Heimaalin | World Anvil

Arnt Batin

Arnt Batin is an independent city state swollen from trade. Spreading its influence over the greater region of Asah-Batin, the city's power over other regions is largely dependent on the competence and influence of its current ruler. The city itself has grown fat off of trade from the rich resources endemic to the vitriolic sea. However, accessing these resources is a difficult task, requiring logistical competence and complex collaboration, giving rise to a network of powerful and well equipped mercantile and trade guilds. The exotic resources that routinely come through the city has influenced the founding and growth of the most famous alchemical and scientific schools in the former empire, the House of the Peacock, as well as many other famous institutions. Just outside its walls, Arnt Batin is surrounded by sparse savannah which is heavily exploited to provided foodstuffs to the city, it is rarely entirely sufficient, but a steady import of grains, vegetables, and preserved meats do the rest. The city underworld is thriving, although slavery is ostensibly outlawed, exploitation of the uneducated and naive for hard labor further south is widespread, and a sprawling drug trade exists fueled by rejects from the House of the Peacock.The city is run by two courts, the first consisting of prominent Erzihari elders, and the second which consists of representatives of the most influential merchants and craftspeople of the city. Together, they vote on matters of kingship for the city, with candidates chosen exclusively from the ranks of the first court.