Gnome - Fiction from Adam Nathaniel Davis


It takes a certain level of magic and whimsy if your aim is to properly cook the books.
Neven Gjuricik, SEC Auditor
nome is the collective name given to everyone in  Hegemony International's accounting department.


Social Status

hile it's impractical to paint an entire division, consisting of thousands of employees across the world, as all having a given look or behavior, gnomes are generally viewed within the corporation as being short, frumpy, secretive, and rarely spotted outside their offices. At some Hegemony campuses, there simply are no compucombs. At those locations, the gnomes tend to be seen more as "normal" employees (although they're still called gnomes). But in places where the gnomes both live and work below ground, they're often seen in the same light as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.



he most curious aspect of the gnomes is that nearly all of them live, below their assigned office building, in the compucombs (assuming that their given location actually has compucombs beneath it). They are all offered free housing by Hegemony. At larger corporate campuses, the gnomes' offices are also established in the compucombs. This means that gnomes can sometimes go months without seeing the sunlight or breathing fresh air.

Alternative Names
Administration / Management

Cover image: Hegemony International - Jacksonville by Adam Nathaniel Davis


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