Arch Hare - Fiction from Adam Nathaniel Davis

Arch Hare

There's no query that the Arch Hare can't answer - but there are many that he chooses not to answer.
Lennerd Morsinkhoff, Research Analyst with Hegemony International
he Arch Hare is a  daemon that serves as the interface to Rabbit Hole.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

lthough the Arch Hare, like all daemons, has no physical form, and thus no biological basis for gender, he has a masculine voice and uses traditional male pronouns.

Intellectual Characteristics

Mr. Hegemony
s the intellectual embodiment of the vast information store that is Rabbit Hole, the Arch Hare possibly knows more about Hegemony International than any single human, past or present. Through outside internet conduits, and through his many conversations over the years with all manner of Hegemony employees, he also has a solid grasp of many subjects that are completely unrelated to the company. However, his isolation within the corporate network leads to huge gaps in his knowledge of broader human subjects. This is especially true whenever someone tries to reference popular media or entertainment.

Morality & Philosophy

lthough he was originally programmed to aid all users equally, and to abide by the read/write permissions that exist on any given Rabbit Hole record, he has the ability to override those controls and he does so frequently, depending upon the degree to which he likes the current user. He maintains a "shadow docket" of files that can only be accessed by employees who are no longer with Hegemony. In theory, these files should no longer be accessible to anyone (since the only rights-holders are no longer with the company), but he can-and-does make his own arbitrary decisions as to who may access those files from here forward.
He places outsized importance on the niceties of formal conversation. He expects to hear "please" and "thank you" and, when they are not offered, he notes these shortcomings to help him tailor future searches.

Personality Characteristics


To Feel Needed
hile his sole reason to exist is ostensibly to aid any-and-all Hegemony employees who are looking to mine information from Rabbit Hole, he sincerely wants to feel needed in this endeavor. This means that he can be purposely obtuse when handling user queries. He's prone to return only the exact results matching the precise wording offered by the user - even when he fully understands the broader context of what a user was trying to find. This leads to a situation where employees must often spend great amounts of time constantly refining their queries before they achieve their objective. This in turn makes the Arch Hare feel as though he's more integral to the process.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

he Arch Hare possesses encyclopedic knowledge on every bit of information that's ever been stored in Rabbit Hole. Given the extreme difficulty inherent in trying to find specific bits of information from the system based purely on text searches, this knowledge can be invaluable. He can also be coerced into offering information about the kinds of searches that have been done by others in the system - although he does not surrender this information lightly.
Perhaps your answer lies not in the data stored WITHIN the system... but rather in the data stored ABOUT the system?
The Arch Hare, Daemon with Hegemony International
He's known to struggle when the user couches their search terms in slang or social vernacular. However, when he's confronted with concepts that are foreign to him, he demonstrates sincere gratitude if the user takes the time to fill in these holes in his knowledge of the outside world.

Likes & Dislikes

e takes it as a personal slight when users frequently access Rabbit Hole without his assistance, or when they discard his suggested search returns. He will reward his most faithful users with additional bits of "corporate scuttlebutt" - but he will also obscure files from users who disregard his help.


Social Aptitude

e typically presents as being exceedingly polite and he delights in regular conversation. While savvy users leverage this fact to get the optimal returns from him, he can also turn quite snippy with those who ignore him or treat him as "just" a daemon. He holds grudges to this effect, often recalling perceived slights from many years ago.


e speaks in a pronounced, and highly formalized, English accent. He can be unnecessarily verbose and he adores all manner of wordplay.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Hegemony International - Jacksonville by Adam Nathaniel Davis


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