Creation Myth Myth in Hearth | World Anvil
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Creation Myth


In the beginning, there were only the four elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Those elements constantly vied for control of the space that would be Hearth. Eventually, Air decided that they needed a judge to control their squabbling, and to make them work together. So they decided to create a force to serve as this judge. This force was Light, or Woeus. But Earth decided that one force was not enough, and so he made Shadow, or Duvohr. From there, Light and Shadow acted as judges, and the world of Hearth was formed.

Historical Basis

There is a historical basis for this myth, as it was told to the dark elves by Woeus, through a powerful spell. However, many doubt it's veracity, preferring to use their own myths. No one really knows the exact truth of this myth, since it has been twisted throughout the ages.


This myth is commonly believed by the elves of Darknest, and has recently spread to the port city of Dark Harbor, due to the recent immigration of dark elves from Darknest.

Variations & Mutation

The original myth told of Dark and Light as the original forces, and that they created the Elements and Hearth. However, when the myth moved outward from Darknest, it was adapted to fit the needs of the surrounding territories.

Cultural Reception

This legend is highly revered among the elves of Darknest, and is a large part of their identity, as curators of the Balance. It is also known among the residents of Dark Harbor, and is the belief of some members of that community. It is not very important there, though.

In Literature

There are no poems or odes about this myth, but there are several books giving varied accounts of it. However, the calendar system of Darknest has been severely altered by this myth, with the beginning of time know as Chaos, the following years are known as B, for balance, and the current time is called I, for imbalance.

In Art

The myth of creation has many artistic interpretations. There are many paintings of Woeus and Duvohr serving as cosmic judges, and some paintings of the squabbling elements. There are also musical interpretations of the myth, such as the famous "Ballad of Creation", detailing the events of this myth.
Date of First Recording
The first recording of this myth was in 300 E.
Date of Setting
The Beginning of Time


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