Proofreading Examples in hcraven | World Anvil

Proofreading Examples

Spelling - Typos

Despite advances in spelling and grammar checkers, typos still happen. Most commonly, this occurs when the typo involves an unintended word.  

Ex: I made sure my friends were oaky.

This is an actual (paraphrased) error spotted in an independently published novel, which I will not name. Neither Google Docs nor Microsoft Word recognizes this as an error. Though surely, the author does not mean they expect the character's friends to be woody and/or tree-like.
  Microsoft Word
Google Docs
Browser, but only because it doesn't recognize oaky as a legitimate word    

Proofreading These Typos

Microsoft Word with Track Changes
Google Docs with Suggesting turned on
Edits can be made such that you can see and approve each one if desired.


Basic punctuation errors: incorrect or missing punctuation, run-on sentences and comma splices  

Ex: What is your goal.

Here we have a period where there should be a question mark. Google Docs caught this error, though Microsoft Word did not.   Microsoft Word
Google Docs

Ex: It's okay, I'll go.

This is a comma splice, which is where you create a run-on sentence by joining two complete sentences with a comma. I see these everywhere.   While being incredibly short, It's okay is a complete sentence on its own.
It = subject
is = verb   Likewise, I'll go is also a complete sentence, despite its brevity.
I = subject
will = auxiliary verb; go = verb
  In this case, the comma should be replaced by either a period or a semi-colon.
  Microsoft Word
Google Docs  


Grammar edits are included in proofreading and include a wide variety of things such as sentence structure; subject-verb agreement; split infinitives; verb tense; proper prepositions, adjectives, and comparatives; and more.

Cover image: by Lorenzo Cafaro from Pixabay


Author's Notes

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