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Near the center of the Material Plane there exists a sprawling megalopolis known as Haven. Stretching from coast to coast across the Northland, Haven represents the largest gathering of mortal souls found anywhere in reality; no one can say for sure how many residents dwell within its walls, but most scholars' estimates place the count in the tens of billions. Haven's singular size and significance lead to more arrivals from migrants and travelers every day, yet still the wealth of resources and the ingenuity of its people allow its growth to continue unabated.   Haven is known to most peoples of the Material Plane (as well as many from other realms) through the reputation of its mind-bending size and populousness, but also through the action of its ambitious adventurers. Whether simply seeking to stand out from among Haven's hordes or seeking fame, wealth, and power, scores of these adventurers routinely set out across the world or into the heart of the city to forge their destiny. The city's history is intertwined with the goals and quests of these individuals; some are heroes, some are villains, others are subjects of great controversy, and many have had their names and deeds lost to time. Regardless of how they are remembered, these brave souls have been the shapers of this world, and continue to change its course now at the dawning of a new era.

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