Sheriff Rank/Title in Harn | World Anvil
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Sheriff is not a noble title, but a civic one. But it is often bestowed upon a trusted noble. It is a powerful position to hold, and it is held at the king's or queen's pleasure. The duties of a sheriff are twofold - tax collection and high justice.


Sheriffs are at the top of the pyramid in each shire (county) within the kingdom. They collect and deliver all the taxes to the king & queen. Any taxes missing from the take must be restored from the personal treasury of the sheriff. The sheriff is responsible for prosecuting the heavy handed tax collection fairly. There is a lot of corruption in this process, particularily if the sheriff is themselves corrupt.


Each shire's sheriff administers high justice on behalf of the king in their shire. High justice is a infrequent tool used to remove otherwise powerful political rivals.


Civic titles are appointed "at will". The duration is indefinite, but perpetually at will. The salaries are generally paid monthly on the last day of the month.


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