The Shrieken Mire Geographic Location in Haranshire | World Anvil

The Shrieken Mire

This extensive marshland (pronounced "shry-kunn") derives its name from Lord Artran Shrieken, once of Milborne, a cruel and heartless villain who attempted to force Eanwin Parlfray to marry him. She fled into the mire with her lover, and Shrieken pursued her, only to meet a watery end in one of the marsh's more dangerous areas. The area has had a sinister, and well-deserved, reputation ever since. Treacherous, uncertain footing and hidden pools of water can suck a person or horse down in an instant. Poisonous snakes are plentiful here, and in summer the mosquitoes and other insects of the marsh are irritating and potentially dangerous. There are many local yarns about Shrieken's curse, claiming that his restless spirit wanders the mire, bemoaning its fate and seeking to strangle the life out of any who come here. Certainly livestock does disappear now and then, though this is mostly blamed on the lizard men who dwell deep in the mire. No one comes here who can avoid it or goes deeper into the mire than they must.  

Known Inhabitants

Lizardmen - At least one tribe of Lizardmen are known to live in the swamp. They pushed outward against Thurmaster in the early 1500s, but were ultimately driven back into the swamp. Since then, Lizardmen have been seen on the edge of the swamp, but shy away from contact.   Banshee - The ghost of Eanwin Parlfray is said to haunt the swamp, although few have seen her and lived to tell the tale.   Dragon - At least a couple of people have either seen or heard rumors of a greenish dragon flying in or near the swamp.  


  • The Shrieken Mire
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