Maura Le Brevil Character in Haranshire | World Anvil

Maura Le Brevil

Maura Le Brevil

Maura was brought to Lyrchwood as a small child and left in the care of a couple that has taken care of her and taught her how to harness her magic. She mostly stays in the woods and goes into town only for necessities. Most townfolk calls her names and thinks she is responsible for a mire that continues to grow outside of town and threatens local farmers and their lands.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is of average physique

Body Features

She is of average body type.

Facial Features

She has two different colored eyes. One violet, one brown

Identifying Characteristics

Two different colored eyes.

Apparel & Accessories

Dresses in muted colors, dresses, sashes, etc. Except for one very colorful sash that she always has with her. She also wears a necklace that she believes was her mothers. it is a dark stone that appears to have light veins within it surrounded with copper tied with heavy string. She gives off a very gypsy vibe.

Specialized Equipment

Harrow Deck Tinctures/potions

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Maura grew up outside of town in the Lyrchwood Forest. She came to live there as a small child after her family fled from another town that her parents never spoke of. Her family and herself were always labeled as weird and outsiders. Her family is a family of witches without a coven and stays away from people to study the land and hone their craft. Her family has always been open to helping others, especially those marked as outsiders. Maura will occasionally go to town to get supplies for her family and sell items to people in town. The people from the town who have come to her cottage do not acknowledge her when she comes in as nobody wants to admit to coming to her family's cottage for healing tinctures, card readings, etc. Maura did grow up playing outside of town with a few others that come to visit her now and again as a child. These days Maura spends most of her time wandering the forest selecting herbs and plants and exploring the forest. Maura also goes into town when she can to study and will travel with her father annually to the bigger towns to the big libraries to read all that she can. Maura basically tries to stay out of everyone's way and keep to herself while helping those who need her help and can't get help from people in town.




Taught by her family and self taught by reading when she has the opportunity.


Town healer/Reader

Accomplishments & Achievements

helped kill a drake on the river

Failures & Embarrassments


Mental Trauma

saw Baba Yagas house on the river bank

Intellectual Characteristics

really sits and thinks of all angles when presented with a situation. will generally play with her necklace when deep in thought

Morality & Philosophy



Tends to assist outsiders in the forst, such as goblins, orcs, etc. Those who are in need of aid but not accepted by humans.

Personality Characteristics


Maura just wants to be accepted by someone/people. She strives to be a good person but is constantly felt as an outsider and doesn't belong anywhere in particular.

Vices & Personality flaws

Always questioning peoples sincerity towards her Self doubt

Personality Quirks

None yet


Clean, but not a germaphobe. Is ok with getting dirty.


Religious Views

Currently prays to Magdh (The Three)


Very shy quiet stays out of the spotlight

Wealth & Financial state


Maura lives in the Lyrchwood Forest after her family fled from another place for reasons unknown to her. She is quiet and shy in town as most look at her as different. She is very smart but one wouldn't know it unless they take the time to speak to her.

View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
March 3rd 1523
Current Residence
Lyrchwood Forest
One violet, one brown
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
Known Languages
Common Draconic Goblin Orcish Undercommon

The Truth and Sickness

Well, we finished fighting that drake, and we were all pretty roughed up. Except for Sharos. That guy got lucky! Ava seems pretty quiet, she's not speaking to anyone now. That's ok, I don't feel like talking to anyone either. I can't stop thinking about that hut. After some time on the river, as people are discussing future plans, I can't take it anymore. I finally interrupt. They all stop when they realize I'm speaking. I blurt out everything. The hut, Baba Yaga, my spell, my fears... everything. I am surprised when they all step up to tell me they will actually protect me!! I did NOT expect that. ESPECIALLY from Theo and Sharos, those two I hardly know! This brings me much comfort but I am still not at ease, but I feel much better now that I know I am not alone.   We got to Thurmaster and at first, I thought the place was deserted. The buildings outside were abandoned and run down. We docked and ran into a kind-looking halfling. Chi stopped and spoke with him for a while and took out that cursed dagger to show him. It looks like she sold it to him. I'm glad he doesn't have it anymore but now I am concerned someone else has that thing. I guess another problem for another day. For now, we have to unload the skins that Theo got off the crocs and find a place to stay and get some real food. They had picked some sort of red fruit off some low-hanging branches as we were coming up the river, but I could go for a real meal. We make our way to the local shop, if you could call it that and Quinn bargains with the keep as I look around. There is almost nothing in here, how does he even stay in business? We make quick work and make our way to the tavern. It's run down, but it's to be expected in this dreary place. We settle on 5 silver per head. Seems expensive for such a place considering the last inn was 5 sliver for all of us, but we have little choice. We pay up. Food isn't even included! We get some sort of mutton and ale. The ale tastes more like water and the mutton isn't very good. Quinn does his best to fix the flavor so it can be eaten. Chi hands me one of his red fruits and it's much better tasting. I'm about halfway through when Quinn mentions something about the meat in the mutton smelling old... That might have been useful information prior to me eating it! We go to leave to deliver our letter as was our task and on our way... yup, the mutton!   I run to the side of the building and out comes the red fruit, the ale, and the mutton. I am miserable. Quinn comes over and gives me something to help. I feel a bit better, but I still feel horrible. We make it over to Tausters place and deliver the letter. I find it difficult to pay attention as I am just not feeling well. I have to excuse myself at one point and return to find that he wants us to stay a few days... DAYS!! I ask where can we actually eat without getting sick. He informs us that staying at the keep is a much better choice. Well, we have already paid for our stay tonight, we will head there in the morning. He gives us a paper to collect coin at man named Marlens. As we head over, I am once again overcome with sickness. This time Theo gives me some root and I feel MUCH better. Thank you, Theo!! We collect our coin and this man continues to crank out things going on in town and discuss how we are THOSE types. Not sure what he meant, but I am not liking this man.   We go back to the inn and I take Falkor with me to go to sleep as everyone else is wanting to hang out downstairs. I get up into our room and look at the bed. The bedding is stained, dirty, and there are bugs in the bed. I am resolved to sleeping on the floor instead but the floor is not much better. Look, I will sleep on the forest ground, I am ok with being dirty, but this, THIS.. this is filth. I go back downstairs and let everyone know that I am NOT sleeping here and I would rather sleep outside. Chi states he will go with me and Sharos, he is so sweet and decides he will go too because he doesn't want to leave us unprotected. So out we go to look for a place. I end up finding some sort of lean-to/shed thing. Thank goodness too because of course it also rains, all night! As if the evening couldn't get any worse! At least I am not sleeping in the gods know what with insects crawling all over me! Time to get up in the morning and decide what we do for the day!   Man I hate Thurmaster!

The House

So as we took the small boat, as I use the term lightly up river we stopped at the spot we were told was a safe spot for the night. Theo, Quin, and Sharos decided to go up the hill to a "ranch" where a recluse gentlemen friend of Theo lives. Honestly, I think Theo just didn't want to be near the forest as we are camped pretty close. Ava, Chi, and I decided to stay with the boat by the river's edge. Ava took the first watch and Chi and I fell asleep. I was awakened by Chi to what I thought was the start of my watch only to find out we were in the middle of her watch. It was very dark out and only able to see shapes. What we heard though was something else. Something large coming through the forest across the river. We were quiet and discussed if we should wake the others or let it pass. We had no fire, so perhaps whatever it was, would just keep going. As we sat and waited what we had heard showed up on the edge of the river. We were NOT prepared for what we saw... a house with legs... bird-like legs. Baba Yaga! Of course, Chi and I could not believe it and both sat there mouths agape. I knew immediately what it was but I was fearful of admitting it. I have the innate ability to cast a spell for a short time and when I do, that object grows legs, chicken legs! What does this mean? I have never had any contact with hags let alone Baba Yaga! What was she looking for at the edge of the river? Was she looking for me? Am I connected to her somehow? Is that what my parents were fleeing from, or WHO rather? Is that why I have been put into hiding as a child? So many questions! Baba Yaga is known to be evil so I can't let anyone else know about this! I am already looked upon as different and blamed for so much, including the mire...   I see Chi has been watching me with speculation. I'm even afraid to share with Ava what I have learned. When we get to town, I will see what I can research. I need to figure this out without raising suspicion.   The next day as we were making our way up the river, we were attacked by a drake.. why by all the gods could I not remember anything that I knew about drakes??!?! Many were so injured by this creature, but we were finally able to take it down, including the crocs that seemed to hunt alongside it. While Theo was down in the waters to skin the animals, he happened upon some items that appeared to be magical. We identified them and I suppose we will see who can make use of them and pass them out accordingly.   I am still wondering about BY though. What does this mean to me? What does this mean to my magic? Why do I have a sinking feeling?

First big adventure Bandits

I am traveling with my friend Ava and friends I have not seen in a long time, Quinn and Chi. I have also met a couple of individuals that are newly met, Sharos and Theo. I really like Theo and Sharos but is still getting to know them. Theo seems interested in making people comfortable but seems to have something in his past he is reluctant to talk about. Chi seems different himself. He attacked me the other day with a dagger that seems to be full of dark magic. I will need to watch him. Ava seems to have come into her own magic as well. She has never discussed this with me before. Does she not trust me anymore? Why is it so difficult to make and keep friends? I have trusted her with so much thinking I have finally found someone I could tell all my secrets to. I even told her about my sash which I was forbidden to tell anyone about. We did encounter some bandits and there was something strange about them. One was a farmer that Ava knows and she knew the leader that she killed. He had some sort of portal opened and wanted "the caster". It all seems so strange, I need to think about this and figure out what's going on with her and this other man that she killed. When we get to the bigger town, perhaps I can glean something from the big library there.