Chi Natsu Character in Haranshire | World Anvil

Chi Natsu

Chi Natsu

Chi Natsu, a talented and fierce warrior, was once a respected member of the Royal Guard. As a kitsune, he possessed intelligence, agility, and natural affinity for magic. Serving the kingdom for several years, he quickly rose through the ranks due to his exceptional skills with firearms and unmatched accuracy as a gunslinger.   Despite his dedication and success, Chi Natsu's ambition and willingness to challenge authority hindered his rise within the Royal Guard. His outspoken nature and inability to conform to strict protocols often clashed with the hierarchical structure. In addition to a newly formed relationship with the notorious Ranchefus, these issues lead to conflicts with his superiors. Seeking his own justice and resenting the established system, Chi Natsu ultimately found himself fired from the Royal Guard.   Disillusioned and feeling betrayed by The Guard and Ranchefus, Chi Natsu turned to the underground world as a hired killer. He honed his already exceptional gun-slinging abilities and acquired a reputation for swift and efficient executions. Notoriety followed him, and his services were sought-after by those in need of his lethal expertise.   Chi Natsu's life as a vigilante-turned-assassin is a constant juggling act between seeking revenge on those who betrayed him, seeking redemption for his own actions, blood-lust, and finding solace within the complex nature of his kitsune heritage. In this dangerous underworld, he wanders alone, haunted by the echoes of his past while searching for a path that will bring him revenge on Ranchefus.   As a kitsune, Chi Natsu possesses the ability to shape-shift into various forms, granting him unparalleled versatility in his work. Whether acting as a cunning strategist or a deadly sniper, his wits and supernatural abilities make him a formidable opponent and a captivating, yet dangerous ally - all with the charm of a gentleman pirate.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and slender, but his muscles are lean and defined as he needs them to be agile as the fox he is

Body Features

Red fur with white patches, 9 tails in kitsune form. When in fox form, Chi looks like a regular, adorable fox with one tail... and an eye patch

Facial Features

Furrowed brows, somber countenance as if often deep in thought

Identifying Characteristics

Eye patch over the right eye...   Wasnt it over the left yesterday?

Physical quirks

Wears an entirely un-neccessary eye patch

Special abilities

Chi Natsu has the inate ability to turn into a fox, and back into a kitsune, at any moment for any period of time

Apparel & Accessories

Chi Natsu wears the tattered remains of his uniform from his days in the royal guard. Across his chest are several leather belts holding his guns, crossbows, swords, and daggers in place. Across one eye he wears an eye patch (to better hone his aim when using his sights). Secretly, Chi Natsu has perfect vision from both eyes, but likes to cover one or the other from time to time to tune them. God help you should he decide to take it off...

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As far as anyone knows, Chi Natsu left his hometown of Harlaton to join The Royal Guard. Sometime during his years of service, events took place which now drives Chi toward bloodlust and revenge. After being fired from The Guard's employ, Chi spends his days as a gun for hire, bringing in bounty, and supplmenting his income with petty thievery.


Homeschooled, than trained under The Royal Guard


The Royal Guard Gun for Hire

Personality Characteristics


Driven by blood-lust, revenge, and coin

Likes & Dislikes

Likes shiny things, ale, a good shanty, and has a knack for cleptomania

Vices & Personality flaws



Grooms himself frequently, in fox form and kitsune alike



Quiet, observational, and gentle-mannered, but sometimes lets his blood-lust show

Chi Natsu, a talented gunslinger & gentleman pirate, was once a respected member of the Royal Guard. Marred by betrayal and blood-lust, he now works as a hired killer for coin, roaming the lands picking pockets along the way.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Current Residence
Piercing Gold
Red with White Patches
6 Ft
150 Lbs