Esperanto Organization in Hanaq | World Anvil
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Esperanto is an expansive, supranational union that has been in power for several centuries. It is based in the fertile and prosperous planet of Hejmen. It has established a vast and powerful network of trade and colonies to influence the other kingdoms of the universe. Corruption is rampant, and it will stop at nothing to integrate and consume every corner of the universe.   Esperanto was the creator of the Common Language.  

Life in Esperanto

Esperanto's power primarily lies in The Core System . The Core System is the most heavily developed and populous region in Esperanto. The capitol planet of Hejmen is the pinnacle of modern magic.   On Hejmen, pesh is used a substance to control the population. Esperanto high-borns are known to be almost constantly in a floaty, dreamlike state in which they feel nostalgic for a time that never existed.  

The Gefratoj

  Esperanto also has many colonies, kingdoms, and republics of other planets under its rule as a part of the Gefratoj. The member-states of the Gefratoj are mostly free to rule however they please given they follow the dictates of the interstellar union and recognize its supreme authority. A vast majority of the nations under the Armada banner are kingdoms. Rural kingdoms are more likely to be reliant on feudal serf labor, while kingdoms deeper in the Central System will usually have a larger middle class.   The systems outside of the Esperantujo System are known as The Colonies. The colonies are usually small, less populous and led by a Governor or a petty king who agreed to join Esperanto when they first made contact. Piracy and illegal activity is the most rampant in The Colonies.  


Gefratoj States are able to gain access Esperanto's financial, magical, and military resources by taking on Reforms. Each reform typically grants the government's officials a gold reward, access to better loan deals, and the opening of more luxury goods.    

Babel Tower

 Babel Tower is a teleportation network centered at Hejmen.    Main Article: Babel Tower   

Arcadia and The War Of Eight Nations

Esperanto was founded after The War Of Eight Nations in 0 AE. This was when a new nation called Arcadia began an aggressive conquest that supposedly utilized the power of divine magic for some of the most atrocious acts in history. The war lasted or 32 years, ending with the total annihilation of the Arcadia islands. Hejmen's population dropped by 10% during the course of the war, making it the bloodiest war in history.   Many powerful organizations rose to prominence during this time. The Coven, The Solstice circle, and the Trade companies and banks that would eventually create Armada all rose to immense power after the war   After the war was over, Hejmen became highly interconnected from a network of magical teleporters and sending beacons. Esperanto was founded as an organization that would prevent another War of Eight Nations. Over a century, it became so powerful that it was stronger than any other government, and by 200 AE it was colonizing other planets.  


Esperanto's government believes that peace in the universe can only be achieved by a powerful government that grants equal rights to all creatures. Despite being a fey controlled society, it believes that nature, magic, and technology must all be a part of society in a delicate balance that eschews tradition in favor of what it believes to be progress.   Esperanto wants to rule the entire universe and create a universe with no distinct cultures, landed holdings, or traditions. It prefers to incorporate non-members with soft influence rather than an explicit invasion. How this is done can vary, trying to build influence peacefully with trade, and using less honest tactics like censorship, assassination, or psychological operations. When none of these work, it will resort to more direct techniques like saturation bombing.   Beyond Hejmen has a massive network of colonies and member-kingdoms that it leverages for its perpetual expansion.   It is fundamentally against the concept of Livestock a practice where intelligent creatures enslave other intelligent creatures.  


Armada is the standing military force of Esperanto itself. Its primary focus is protecting trade from pirates, and enforcing Esperanto's laws upon unruly Gefratoj States   Armada Airfey are well known for their signature green and white uniforms with large goggles and a helmet.   Main Article: Armada  

The Solstice Ring

The Solstice Ring is a druidic church. It represents the dominant religious force in Esperanto, with over half of its inhabitants worshiping its doctrine.   Main Article: The Solstice Ring

"Peace, justice, and equality for a harmonious world"

Esperanto's flag, a green butterfly emblem.
Political, International
Alternative Names
The Universal Union
Government System
Subsidiary Organizations

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