Castle Aetius Settlement in Halruaal | World Anvil
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Castle Aetius


  Castle Aetius is the Floating Stronghold of House Aetius built from the remains of a mountain enchanted with Levitation. Established After the successful colonization of Carteia and Egara the floating fortress is home to the Archons of House Aetius. It is a castle the size of city onto itself and is without a doubt the most fortified city in the whole country being constructed almost entirely using Wardstone mined from Carteia. The defenses of Carteia are practically insignificant compared to those of Castle Aetius.


Because Castle Aetius is not on any natural island much of the resources such as natural crops or cattle has been magically induced. Clean water is conjured from the various mages or is siphoned from pocket portals into the citadel. Much of the lower floors are hollowed out rooms carved from the mountain's husk. Cattle has been transported there via teleportation magic or through importation on skyships. Over the years the numbers have been meticulous maintained to prevent a culling or deficit of eatable food and as it stand the Castle could potentially withstand a siege for years if not decades.

Otherwise there is no main export out of Carteia, minus the political clout and Abjuration magic of House Aetius.


10k; mostly human but mixture of Dwarves

Magocracy/Autocracy. Talius Aetius and his wife Melisandra Aetius are the Archons of the region. The Church of the Seven has no major hold or temple situated in the Castle.


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