Elfcorn Species in Halika | World Anvil
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Elfcorn is a spice plant from Stildane, which can only grow in the magically-irradiated soil of the continent. It is itself an Ederstone -shaped plant, shaped many centuries ago by irradiated "spirits" there.   Elfcorn is a tall beanstalk-like plant that can grow to 6 feet in height in ideal conditions. It is carnivorous and is covered in many colorful adhesive mouths for insects to fly to and be trapped on. Colorful sugar crystals develop near these mouths, and a sweet sugar molasses forms on the mouths as part of the adhesive.    Unsurprisingly, this plant is farmed for its sugar; it produces extremely concentrated sugar that can easily be refined akin to sugarcane. It also has a way of cutting down on the local fly population.   Elfcorn is native to the Kingdom of Dovenar and is farmed there intensively, but is also found all across Stildane.

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