Captain Henry Rodgers Character in Hael'thar | World Anvil
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Captain Henry Rodgers

Captain Henry Rodgers (a.k.a. The Gamekeeper)

The party first met Rodgers in the first session of the game, he acted as a hard support for Victor Kalton. And assisted in the recruitment of the airships crew as well as securing the funds to allow Victor to begin his journey. However once the party left, Rodgers begun a life of his own outside of the party. Rejoining the military he was involved in many major battles at the outbreak of the war, and when he met the party again he offered them his trademark shotgun before moving to protect the village from invaders.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rodgers is relatively fit for a man his age, able to work just as long and hard as his men. His large body and broad shoulders help him stand out in a group, his booming voice only adding to this. With his thick mutton chops and graying hair, he looks every bit a senior officer.

Apparel & Accessories

Often wrapped up in the latest Teuton issue steam armor, Rodgers stands out as he often refuses to wear his issue helmet and bearskin into battle. Complaining that it limits his vision and senses. The right shoulder pad of his otherwise grey armor is a deep blood red, with a white stripe down the center.

Mental characteristics


Land management


Captain of the 31st Regiment of foot

Accomplishments & Achievements

Rejoined the Teuton military at the start of the Great War and was involved in the battle of Harken, defending his home from invaders he used his experience of the land to turn the tide against the invaders. Often seen carrying a large double barreled shotgun he has a reputation for leading from the front.   Often ranging ahead of the main force with his company, Rodgers' reputation for sniffing out trouble is legendary in the 31st.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to bring down the strange creature hunting Victor Karlton through Harken, resulted in him being scratched. This wound serves as a constant reminder that the world is not quite as simple a others would have him believe.

Mental Trauma

Rodgers suffers recurring nightmares, they involve him running through the woods at night. Chasing down soldiers and killing them with his bare hands, the howling of wolves echoing through his mind. His men joke that these nightmares are what leads to his foes fearing him quite so much.   The army doctors assure Rodgers this is nothing to worry about and nothing that can't be managed through positive thoughts.

Intellectual Characteristics

Though not an academic man, Rodgers has a natural way with his soldiers. Acting more like a father figure then their direct superior, regardless he still is able to do whatever is required of them for the preservation of Teuton.

Personality Characteristics


Rodgers is a simple man, he dreams of the world being able to return to an age of peace. And to be allowed to return to work as a simple Groundkeeper once again.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
197 AE 140 Years old
Current Residence
Teuton northern front, while it remains.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Come on then young master Kalton, you'd best be on your way. We'll deal with this lot." - The last time Rodgers was seen by the party, shortly before the battle of Harken.
Aligned Organization

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