31st Regiment of Foot Organization in Hael'thar | World Anvil
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31st Regiment of Foot

The 31st Regiment of Foot was formed as a volunteer force for the war between Taurus and Francia. The regiment earned a reputation for being oddly swift for an infantry regiment and would often find itself ahead of the Fracian army, due to the nature of the war they would often end up being ambushed by partisan forces, however records show that they performed well in these situations.   In more modern times the regiment has been used to test new tech for the military, an example of this is the steam-armor used during the battle of Harken. This armor allowed the infantry to move quicker and stand up to some small arms fire, however it wasn't as effective as first hoped at stopping rounds. This lead to high casualties at the outbreak of the war.


The regiment is split into two infantry battalions and one cavalry company, often this regiment is deployed as a whole to hold up an area of the front or organize a breakthrough. Due to this each of the officers are allowed a level of individualism and it's up to the Colonel to learn how each company within his regiment would be best deployed in the field.


Steam-armor, Light arms, Light artillery, cavalry


Founded as a volunteer group to assist the Francians in the invasion of Taurus.

Ravenous and Relentless

227 - -

Military, Army Regiment
Alternative Names
Wolves of Teuton
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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