Sun Goliaths Ethnicity in Hadeneau | World Anvil
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Sun Goliaths


  The origins of Sun Goliaths are due some dire circumstances. During the Great Purge in Avastoria, a terrible war spurred by a desire to wipe out every group besides the Naldash in Kunoth. While that war has thankfully ended, it still caused many to flee. Those who did flee fled as far away from Kunoth as they could, some of those being the Goliaths of the Pike Mountains in Kunoth. They had some experience with sailing, but decided that their best course of action was to start completely fresh in somewhere completely different from what they had known. They sailed to the region of Hadenaeu, where they began to create new settlements and they met the Hade, Water Genasi who have lived in Hadeneau since before people had even settled the continents in Avastoria. The Hade and newly arrived Sun Goliaths quickly created a strong bond, and soon the two groups were constantly intertwined. As the population of Sun Goliaths grew, so did their history and so too did their culture, expanding into the current ethnicity of Sun Goliaths.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Some examples of traditionally female goliath names are: Mekko, Orikko, Vogea, Aranaea, Pemi, Inageo

Masculine names

Some examples of traditionally male goliath names are: Lavhal, Pevi, Gautham, Mavoi, Lazaras, Vapath

Unisex names

Some examples of traditionally neutral names are: Taragak, Zauleo, Kileo, Maranoth, Ilimah, Ergmul

Family names

Usually some kind of combination an action and a feature of land. Ex. Skycharter, Wavebreaker. The origins of the names usually come from a notable act of the ancestor of the family members.


Major language groups and dialects

Within groups of fellow Sun Goliaths, often times the predominant language is the Giant tongue, as it is the language spoken by their earliest ancestors, even back when the only goliaths in the world were recluses hiding in the top of the Pike Mtns. The use of the language is a heartfelt reminder of the earliest goliath civilizations.   What is unique about the Sun Goliath's use of the language is the dialect. Because of their origins, they are tightly intertwined with the culture of the Hade Genasi. As such, when the cultures of the first goliaths from the mountains arrived and mixed with the culture of the Hade, a facinating dialect arose and while coming from the same mother language, the dialect is almost entirely different from giant, and there are many aspects of the Hade's primordial language in it.

Culture and cultural heritage

The heritage of most facets of Sun Goliath culture come from goliath culture in general. Goliaths in the earliest days of civilization were in some of the harshest terrain imaginable, and the high seas were not entirely different. The cruelty of the waves created many customs observed by Sun Goliaths, the sensibility required to survive on the waves created the pragmatic ways that Sun Goliaths view the world. However, the beauty of the ocean also inspired many artistic aspects of Sun Goliath culture, as many world famous art pieces by Sun Goliaths come from their love of the ocean. Such as Malkor Greattree's symphony "The Plight of the Merrin" or Kaya Skycharter's paintings of various sea creatures in their natural habitat.

Shared customary codes and values

Deeply rooted in Sun Goliath culture is the idea that a person is part of something much larger than themselves. When making decisions, a choice that benefits the group will be more valued than one that protects and indvidual.   Sun Goliaths have a sort of hive-mindedness, but another value shared by Sun Goliaths is that of wanderlust. From an early age, the desire to explore is instilled in a Sun Goliath. Because of this the most common profession they take up usually involves sailing or travel.   Along with an inclination to travel, Sun Goliaths also have a desire to achieve glory or reputation. Owing mostly to the storied reputation many Sun Goliaths adventures have, and the Sun Goliath gods often times look highly upon seemingly impossible feats.   As is probably obvious by now, respect to elders or ancestors is also highly valued among Sun Goliaths. Paying homage to a courageous feat or interesting personality of an ancestor in daily life is a common practice among Sun Goliaths.

Average technological level

Sun Goliaths are advanced sailors and have the technology to back it up, often times sailing on large merchant vessels and warships. With weaponry however, they often times don't use artillery or guns, preferring harpoons, spears or bows for ranged weaponry. However, Sun Goliaths who leave their clans will take up any modern technology like everyone else in the outside world.

Common Etiquette rules

While Sun Goliaths come off as stony as their appearance, it is only a product of their etiquette. Sun Goliath etiquette has a few major features. Regarding emotion, Sun Goliaths are expected to hide their emotions unless in proper situations. Being overtly emotional in public is considered rude, so feelings like intense grief or overwhelming joy are expected to be tempered until they can be released in private. Anthropologists theorize that this practice likely has roots in the very origins of goliaths as a species, as they had no time for emotions, as every second in their harsh cradle of civilization was about survival.   With selflessness, Sun Goliaths are expected to provide service to other members of their clan or family no questions asked. But weakness is never looked upon with pity, only animosity, as those who cannot fend for themselves will be left behind. As such, in battle Sun Goliaths won't even accept a challenge from an opponent that they deem too weak, as they consider it disrespectful to themselves to even oblige the request.   High society among Sun Goliaths is unique, as positions of power are reserved only for the wisest or most time proven members of a clan. Parties are not a common occurrence, but festivals in the clan are always hosted by the highest members of the society, and they are often times the only exceptions to the rules about emotions in public.   Etiquette aside, these rules are simply that, rules for participating in society. They don't need to be followed exactly, or followed at all, every Sun Goliath is their own individual.

Common Dress code

Fashion is often times not at the front of a Sun Goliath's mind, but certain attitudes towards clothing are still expected. On expeditions, it is much more loose, you are to wear whatever will keep yourself alive, whether that's nothing at all, or three layers, it is required. In safe areas or in public, Sun Goliaths tend to keep it simple. A well fitting shirt and pants, boots that protect your feet; clothes that are as practical as the people wearing them. When fashion is important however, Sun Goliaths are drawn to colors and fabrics reminiscent of their reliance on their tropical surroundings. Bright colors, long, loose flowing fabrics are both to be expected when a Sun Goliath dresses up.

Art & Architecture

Sun Goliath art is specific in its methods, most often being created in places that are specific to the artist who made them. One common art style is that of "Hauk Mritz" or Hidden Place. This art style involves the artist leaving their art, whether that is a painting, poem, or story in the area it is based off of, a cave, a cliff, a beach, anywhere the piece was made. This is done to create a further feeling of attachment and dedication to the art, by putting it in a place of sentimental value, and only those who truly wished to see it would make the trek, as it is in a hidden place known only to the artist.   Sun Goliath architecture involves detailed masonry and a massive sense of scale. Sun Goliath masonry is so splendid that when dwarves first arrived in Hadenaeu, a small conflict was begun, as it injured the pride of the freshly arrived dwarves. Sun Goliath architecture often involves massive stone structures, decorated with carvings and steles of mythic feats of Sun Goliaths, or symbols that have importance to them.

Foods & Cuisine

Sun Goliaths, being primarily survivalists, often make due with what food they can get their hands on. However, there is no denying that they have their own unique dishes. Cragfish, a large fish that resides in the deep trenches of the ocean, is notoriously hard to catch, but is highly valued for the large amount of meat it provides. Sun Goliaths have perfected the art of luring and spearing these fish, and cooking them as well. Cragfish is often noted to be bland, but by searing the filets with a special sweet and spicy rub of dried herbs and fruits, over high heat, the fish is made into a prized dish made only for the richest of the rich. All of this is to say that Sun Goliaths have a reputation of being skilled with seafood, something which they owe to the Hade, who gave them the basics of the trade, which the Sun Goliaths expanded upon.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Common customs among Sun Goliaths involve daily rituals. The most important of which being a tribute to your guardian ancestor. Sun Goliaths have an ancestor of theirs that they deem their guardian, and to honor them, they must offer a daily tribute of something small that had sentimental value to them in their life. Guardian ancestors are believed to protect a living Sun Goliath from evil spirits or to provide guidance when no one else can.   One of the most important traditions in Sun Goliath culture is the anointing of champions. Among the clans in Hadenaeu, Sun Goliath or not, they take the birth of a new champion very seriously. Champions are members of clans who prove themselves to be the most capable member of the clan. There are multiple ways that this can be achieved. Within the clan, every six years, a tournament is held, where potential champions compete in multiple battles or challenges to prove their worth to the clan, and the final winner is anointed the champion. While they are revered, the truly legendary champions are those who earn their title through a great deed or heroic mission. Champions who earn their title this way often times earn it through things like saving members of the clan from a great beast, or defending the morals and values of the clan, through a great act. Champions are seen as the epitome of what the members of the clan should strive to be, and they are the ones expected to lead the charge, should danger ever befall the clan and they need to fight.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Upon birth a Sun Goliath is taken by their parents to the a location referred to as the "Imprala" a primordial word for "Forming." The Imprala is up to the parents, they are to take their child to where they want their child to develop a relationship with. For example, if new Sun Goliath parents want their child to be a sailor, they would most likely sail out to a secluded part of a lagoon, and show their child the water and the ship, imprinting the feelings and sights that come with being a sailor. Once this is done, the child is allowed to begin their life as a member of the clan.

Coming of Age Rites

When they reach the age of sixteen, Sun Goliaths are sent on an expedition. They are sent to explore, chart, and live on their own with a group of five others their age on a boat for two years. The expedition is meant to give the young adult Sun Goliaths a sense of freedom, and to learn how to live on their own. They are able to experience life outside of the clan and meet new people. Often times, Sun Goliaths who return from their expeditions relay rumors and stories from their travels and suggest ports and islands for Sun Goliaths about to set sail to visit.   The only required stop on a Sun Goliath's expedition is the Gateway. A temple hidden deep in a cove, far from any Sun Goliath clans' city. The temple is where these adolescent Sun Goliaths will meet with Sun Goliath priests to enter the spirit world and meet their ancestral guardian. This is often times the most challenging aspect of the expedition, as not only is the temple hard to reach, but the journey to and back from the spirit world is often times harrowing, and impossible to forget.   But finally, the last purpose of the expedition is to make a life long bond with clan members of similar ages. As connection is important to the Sun Goliaths, the pressure to make a bond with a clan member is strong. The bond is important as well, as making friends with another clan member assures that you will always somehow be connected to the clan through eachother, even if you decided to live away from the clan.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Upon the death of a Sun Goliath, they are prepared for a funeral pyre, where they and along with their most coveted items in life are burned alongside them. It is frowned upon by Sun Goliaths to keep any physical memory of a lost loved one, and you are to only keep the memory of them in your head. Anthropologists don't entirely understand why. Most Sun Goliaths don't either, but it is still a faux pas.   When one of the high elders or champions of a Sun Goliath clan dies, the day is set aside to spend grieving, and the body is prepped and displayed for public viewing until high moon, where the connection to the spirit world is perceived to strongest.

Common Taboos

As Sun Goliaths hold a deep respect for the natural world, any disrespect of abuse of natural resources or land is a major taboo, and not tolerated by any Sun Goliath.   Preserving any physical form of a deceased loved one is also not respected, and frowned upon.   Disrespecting a deceased relative or ancestor is highly frowned upon, and often results in arguments.

Historical figures

Gorove "One-eye": Infamous Sun Goliath pirate captain who is often times attributed with leading "The Rogue's Siege" on Lakmos Port, a full scale assault by a pirate armada. He was feared for his deadly precision with flintlocks, despite his one eye, often using fear tactics by challenging his opponents to draw.   Taumith Windwatcher: Sun Goliath champion of the Kerska clan who single-handedly defeated the Orwoin militia who were attempting a hostile takeover of their city. She is remembered not only for her bravery, but  for her humor and bellowing laugh, which she often let loose in public, openly defying the etiquette, despite her high stature.


Beauty Ideals

Sun Goliaths are not known for vanity, but many of their beauty standards relate to strength, as being strong enough to support a group or family unit is valued in their society. So strong body shapes are favored.   While not at the front of their minds, beauty is not foreign to Sun Goliaths, as they highly value a combination of fashion and function, which is why tattoos are common among Sun Goliaths. The ability for a tattoo to convey a story or feeling upon viewing is highly desired, but the fact that it is non obstructive is also enjoyed.

Gender Ideals

Gender has little bearing on status in Sun Goliath clans. Because of the intense and fast paced lives goliaths tend to lead, no matter who you are, you have to be able to pick yourself up.   Gender identities among Sun Goliaths are different however. Male and Female identifying goliaths are regarded identically, but among Sun Goliaths those who don't align with either identity are not only accepted, but they are revered as they are seen as closer to their chief god, Lakmat, who does not have a gender, as such these goliaths, referred to as "hellig" or holy in giant tongue, are the only ones allowed to become priests for their pantheon.

Courtship Ideals

With courtship, Sun Goliaths highly value two things, loyalty and ability. Often times, goliaths meet their closest friends or partners on sailing expeditions, as you need to be skilled and faithful to your crew to simply survive.   Once of age, goliaths are permitted to begin courting a partner by the elders of their clan, and often times young goliaths will attempt to win affections of friends or potential partners by attempting dangerous feats or bold performances.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships and the maintaining of them are key to Sun Goliaths, as they are considered the core of being in their society. Many philosophies of Sun Goliaths revolve around the idea that the greatest thing you can do to someone is connect with them on any level.   Every relationship is important to a Sun Goliath, whether the relationship is hostile or friendly, but some take precedent over others. The relationship that is held in highest regard is contact with your closest. That can mean your family, the clan as a whole, or your partner, all that matters is you keep them close.


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