Lord/Lady under the Jurisdiction of Parliament Rank/Title in Hadeneau | World Anvil
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Lord/Lady under the Jurisdiction of Parliament


Lords/Ladies must have a formal education relating to law, and should have a history of public service. These aspects are more for the public to look upon favorably, as opposed to the government, as having someone who is supposedly experienced in public rule makes the public more likely to accept them.


A Lord/Lady must come from a background of land ownership, and be sponsored by their family or another family of wealth. The idea behind this was that a person with experience in land ownership would be more knowledgeable about operating in and keeping stable a larger quantity of land.


The process of becoming a Lord/Lady of the Pernsival begins with the multiple communities on an island meeting to nominate a new Lord/Lady when the previous one ends their term or resigns. Once the communities are agreed, the mayors of each community meet with the lord/lady they intend to nominate, and discuss how they can best represent them. After which, the communities inform the Parliament of their nomination, and after some deliberation by the Parliament, a vote is held to approve the nominee, and if passed, they are inaugurated the week after the vote, and they become the new Lord/Lady of that island.


In times of crisis, Perns often look to their Lord/Lady for local assistance, and it is expected that these Lords/Ladies are to help guide their settlements through trying times. Essentially, the Lords/Ladies are expected to be stable forms of government through thick and thin, and they are to listen carefully to concerns and use their power and resources to aid anyone who needs it under their jurisdiction.


Lords and Ladies of the Pernsival have control over local enforcement, city guards, any soldiers stationed on their island are to respond to them. They set ordinances for enforcers, and they are responsible for guiding them to whatever seems most pressing at the time. Lords and Ladies are also in charge of keeping watch over all of the guilds in operation on their islands, and if anything illegal is occurring, to immediately report it to a Pernsival Guild Associate and assist in resolving the issue. They are also semi-representative, while not nearly as much as the representatives of the Parliaments, they are still expected to report issues on their islands when they occur.


Monetarily, becoming a Lord/Lady doesn't affect the person as much as one would think, as the Lords/Ladies are already coming from backgrounds of wealth. Material wise, the position often times gives a person enough sway in regards to power to purchase new land for themself. The biggest benefit is politically. Many Premiers throughout Pernsival history have used a career as a Lord/Lady of the Pernsival as a jumping off point for a campaign for Premier. Being a Lord/Lady of the Pernsival is not required to run for Premier, but it often times helps tremendously.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

To be considered for dismissal, a Lord/Lady will have to consistently fail to perform the tasks demanded of them. That could be failing to keep the enforcers in check, refusing to listen to requests of the commoners, or more serious things like accusations of fraud or embezzlement.   If the public determines that their current Lord/Lady is not meeting their demands, they can have a meeting with said Lord/Lady and determine what can be done to improve the situation. After the meeting, if nothing has improved, they can request a meeting with the Lower Parliament and discuss the option of dismissing the current Lord/Lady. If they decide to continue with the decision, the Low Parliament will convene with the High Parliament and the Premier to discuss next steps, and they will then decide whether or not to dismiss the current Lord/Lady.

Cultural Significance

The cultural significance of the title is observed by other kingdoms as well, as many Lords/Ladies are guests of honor at banquets, balls and other celebrations across Hadeneau. It doesn't hold nearly as much power as even a representative of the Parliament, but Lords/Ladies are almost seen as the mascots of an island, and are often making public appearances to improve their social standing, and making it a point to interact with the common folk of their islands.
Civic, Political
Title still holds power.
Title established by Theodore and Mercia in the inception of the Pernsival Kingdom.
Form of Address
Alternative Naming
Lord/Lady of the Pernsival
Equates to
A similar position in another kingdom would be an Orwoinion governer, as the Lords/Ladies of the Pernsival are responsible for governing entire islands as opposed to settlements.
Source of Authority
Appointed by the Lower Parliament
Length of Term
Maximum Length of 10 Years


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