Session 31 in Gyea | World Anvil

Session 31

Returning to Gauntlight having learned new information about Chimera and it's relationship with Gauntlight's vast and enigmatic history, our heroes journeyed forth through the Gladiator room to descend to the level below. There the Bravest Braves were faced with an eyeless almost alien creature, utilizing its piercing voice as a sonic weapon against the adventurers. Stalwart heroism and will would have the heroes emerge triumphant from the clash....only to note a wormlike creature taking notes on the fight from a distance behind a wall of translucent stone. Thinking better of their route they ascended back to the level above and instead choose to venture down the central staircase. Aiming to easily make it to the other side of that wall.
  Travelling down our heroes came across several Grothluts all seemingly following the orders of another similar worm. Telepathically the worm began to communicate, approaching with no hostility and offering to take them to see their leader Jafarki if they would surrender their armaments. The Bravest Braves though acting on instinct began to battle and eventually laid their foe low. A floor seemingly unlike any they had yet seen lay in wait for them and only the Gods know what path the Bravest Braves shall choose.