Session 16 in Gyea | World Anvil

Session 16

The ghouls immediately unleashed an onslaught of magic, blasting into the Bravest and Braves. Despite their most wicked spells the Bravest Braves were able to prevail returning their wrath back at their foes several fold. With the cultist slain they returned, restoring their health and vigor due to the care and attention of Dr. Zips before venturing to the restricted section.
  Their they faced a number of opponents, ghoul after ghoul bent on the murder or forced transformation of the Bravest Braves, but the horde was reduced to ash as Garland utilized the Necklace of Fireballs calling upon the power of its most powerful orb. Venturing forth Arturo noticed the ornate etching above a doorway, depicting the lesser known entity known as Nhimbaloth; an otherworldly being of godly power revered by cultist and aberrations. A Goddess of Swamps and Meaningless Tradgedy, who hunts among the corrupted areas of the River of Souls. Finally able to assign a name to the Empty Death the heroes proceeded forth confronting the leader of the Ghouls, the dark cleric Nhakazarin. The battle was vicious but swift thanks to Garland's spells and an onslaught of damage quickly overwhelmed the remaining Ghouls despite their dark protection. The Bravest Braves destroyed their foes once and for all, burning their bodies and smashing their effigies to smithereens. Arturo's unnaturally keen eyes were able to fine a small room secreting away a stash of invaluable and rare tomes. Including: a Folio of Awakening Portals, Gauntlight Blue Prints, The Whispering Reeds, The Dragon's Horde Vol 1, and Belcorra's Journal.
  Curious about this new found knowledge the Bravest Braves although still wary settled in to study the knowledge contained within these tomes (except for the Whispering Reeds which Imiq warned against). Time passed and the mild paranoia of being watched rolled across the party...but no foe presented themselves. In Gauntlight's library the Bravest Braves understanding grows as they prepare for the next leg of their adventure.