Zip Zap Character in Gundria | World Anvil
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Zip Zap

Ziplioficozitlac Aziopizaz Zippo-pilocazis-zapple (a.k.a. Zippy Zapouf)

Zip Zap is an old, excitable gnome who has considerably more energy than one would expect of someone his age. He tends to suddenly start talking about things before trailing off and changing subjects.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zip Zap has a long name, and also a long past! Because of this his history will be very brief. When Zip Zap was born *approx. 400 years ago,* the The Pohonbesar were just as much an influence in the world as they are today. The main concern at the time was that many of the gnomish forests were being burned in targeted attacks by dragons from The Burnt Isles. Zip Zap aided in the war effort, when he reached the fresh young age of 111, by manufacturing enchanted weapons that could attack of their own will. Eventually the The Dragon Raids came to an end, and with their seeming resolution, came an end to draconic oppression. But before all that, Zip Zap was traumatized. The Searing was cataclysm so vast that millions lost their lives, but the forest of Karonhis was one of few places lucky enough to escape; mostly. His family, among many others, worked hard to maintain magical barriers over as much of Karonhis as possible so that the forest would survive the great inferno that swept across the world. Of the few places that did not escape the flames, is Zip Zap's ancestral home. Located on the edge of Karonhis, it succumbed before the gnomes could muster a resistance. Zip Zap watched his home burn before his eyes at the age of 12. After the dragons faced their gnomish retribution, Zip Zap discovered that his constructs had more than just a basic command based intelligence. He started to make constructs designed to be intellegent, and has now adapted his enchantment to create full emotional, fully conscious, living, not breathing, beings. These beings are still in the form of a household object, such as a chair, a rope, a boot, and the like, but their level of consciousness could be considered on par with a human. Outside of war, Zip Zap has lived much of his life as a shopkeeper in various cities and towns.


He was first instructed by his parents, who died in the The Dragon Raids, before being taken under the wing of Syr Osiack. Osiack taught him much of telekenesis, and of levitation, but early on Zip Zap was very interested in automatic levitation (a process in which objects move on pre-programmed paths). He did much research on his own, and was considered a prodigy.


Arms manufacterer turned shopkeeper.
Current Status
Shop owner
Current Location
Date of Birth
12th of Flognar
Current Residence
Purple, intense
dark green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light green
Gnomish pantheon
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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