Sabbish pantheon Organization in Gryst | World Anvil
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Sabbish pantheon

Sab was a collection of city-states that warred against each other over resources. Over time, the gods that different towns worshiped became integrated into one pantheon. The deities of this pantheon each have a specifi animal as their avatar. Depictions of humanoid forms are rare.


Each god in the pantheon has their own religious order. Different citties worshiped the gods in different ways.

Public Agenda

Each deity has their own agenda. Most of them have patron towns and those that don't protect nature instead.


Most physical assets of this pantheon are destroyed or recycled. The descendants of Sabbish priests have religious manuscripts hidden away from the Corthalian empire. Hundreds of Sabbish traditionalists meet in secret to worship their deities and study the manuscripts they kept.


The deities of this pantheon were worshiped widely over Sab, but as the Corthalians conquered the city-states, they destroyed all religious materials they could. Doruhism replaced most of Sab's religious lives.

Mythology & Lore

Before the world came to be, Gryst was filled with monstrous creatures and powerful beings. One of these was Kiegan. He sought for a nobler future and thus created beings of flesh and blood. The other monsters and powerful beings fought Kiegan's new creations, but their souls simply floated away into nothing. Rias came forth and protected the souls of the mortals, gathering them to himself. Kiegan made a pact with Rias so that the latter would bring the souls of the dead to live with Kiegan in the mountains.

Divine Origins

Most of Sab's religious practices arose from war times.Cities would often sarifice gold or precious items related to the deity's domain to gain their favor in battle. Clerics and Paladins still arry items with them in case of emergency. Kiegan demands rubies gold and the tooth of a mountain lion to gain his favor. Rias favors those who bring garnets or jet along with freshly killed game. The priests of Rias will consume te game while praying over the jet or garnet.

Cosmological Views

The world was filled with dangerous monsters and powerful beings. Kiegan created mortals in an effort to make the world more honorable. Rias joined him to gather the souls of the dead and help drive off the monsters from devouring Kiegan's creations. Any act of cleverness, creation and strategy come from Kiegan. Rias makes his enemies afraid and guides the souls of the dead to their final destinations.

Tenets of Faith

Kiegan's tenets.


Kiegan's tenets. Respect the dead. Care for nature.


Many Sabbish rulers gathered their people at the grandest temple in their city to worship the god of their town and make a sacrifice of a sheep or cow to please the god. Sacrifices of loot and precious gems uried in the ground after a long batle was said to seccure that place for the twon. Modern Sabbish pagans worship in private, using a combination of crystals and animal figurinesto contact the gods and draw from their power.


Each temple is self-contained. The High priests make sacrifices and decide religious dilemmas. Otherpriests handle the day-to day operations of the temple.

Granted Divine Powers

Depending on the specific god

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Sabbih pantheon was blamed for the outcomes of wars betwen the cities. During the Corthalian religious purgery of Sab, the entire culture went underground. For this reason, modern Sabbish pagans have some connection with ilicit operations, particularly smuggling. Modern worship involves more ritual meditation and communing with nature than animal sacrifice and war rites.


Kieganism, Riasism, Maruhlism, Sephethism

unknown - Yet to occur. According to the Corthalians, it dessolved around 1936YE.

Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
Sabbish paganism
Sabbish pagans
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations

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